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Uwaaaaaa Mai is finally done!!! T         w    T/

For her scenario, she returned back to Sakuta after weeks of shooting a movie (since she's an actress/model) and was willing to try something a bit more adventurous that perverted-Sakuta had in mind using a fun new book he got~ XP haha this would take place later in the series after she regains visibility to everyone so yee~

Got three gug variants as well for y'all so enjoy! X3c

Hope y'all like! ;        v    ;7


Finished draw and textless variant (plus all wips) can be seen in April's dropbox~


Thank you for your patience again y'all! ;     v  ;/ This was a pretty rough month uwa...

Like I said before, I hope to have May's Fan Art Poll winners done earlier in June so I can get caught up and have more of next month to do other projects too!~




I love this kind of wholesome consensual stuff from you after all the distress and kidnapping related stuff you usually do, I mean I still love that but this is cute af


This is without a doubt the cutest dialogue you’ve written (excluding your amazing OmniV story~) I must say I agree with the comment before me! It’s nice to see less DiD and some more intimate experiences between willing parties (or maybe just a few pervs lol) In my opinion it’s always more fun when everyone in the scenario is enjoying themselves! That’s a huge reason why most of your Leu pictures are my favorite! She’s just such a happy pervi babe! But that being said, I never mind traditional DiD, especially from you, as you always make it “softer” for the audience. I also reallllly love how you decided to go with a tape strip gag instead of the very common wrap gag! Overall this picture combines most of my favorites! Tape strip gags, the bondage/gag process, and of course two willing (and bashful) participants! You knocked it out of the park like you always do, leaving me truly in awe again! Absolutely perfect job Magnolia, this is an amazingly playful pic! ∩^ω^∩


Tit for Tat. Mai for May! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) This is some wholesome lewd stuff! (❁´◡`❁) I love that close up blush Mai has. If she's not having lewd thoughts, I'm not ashamed to say that I am. 😍 You deliver beyond quality work as always, Mai-nolia! Thanks for toiling and slaving away for us!


Oh my gosh. >w< This turned out great~ <3


Cute well done


A wonderful scenario with a wonderful gal. Thank you for this treat, Mags. Now get some rest! :)