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Phewwwww my hand needs a break for now (_ =                     w        =)_ haha

Past few days were all spent on April's bunnygril winner Maiiiii~ Some colors and such are still subject to change ye~ Scenario will make more sense after I add dialogue and such too = v=7 haha

Trying to play catch up pretty hard rn but hopefully I can have the poll draws all caught up by early next month!~ Not toooo much longer on this one and then I still have the weekend to potentially make more progress on the otherssss

Got a couple gug alts in the works too so stay tuned y'all~ :3c
Thank you for your support and your patience!~ ;       v    ;/


These WIPs can all be seen in last month's dropbox~




This is gonna be amazinggg the sketchies are totally adorable

Bryan Holland

You've been doing great but who's mai sakurajima?


George Takei said it best: "OH MAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)


This isn’t even done yet, and I already know it’s gonna be one of my favorites! (really tho, every pic you make is one of my faves at this rate~) I mean this pose and sequence is absolutely fantastic! I love whenever you show the gag process/stuffing! It’s also a favorite probably because of that gosh dang...butt you drew \(//∇//)\ But seriously great job Mag! It’s another masterpiece!

Joe Dover

From “Rascal does not dream of a bunny girl senpai” Another dope rom-com anime.

Joe Dover

This is probably what’s going through Sakuta’s mind, isn’t it?


Oh my...or should I say, oh Mai (sorry, couldn't resist). In all seriousness though, Mai is one of my favorite gals, and she looks amazing in your style. Super excited to see how it turns out, but take a break if you need one!


Holy moly Mag! This is looking neat! I never got round to trying this anime...but you might end up making me! XD Have a good rest btw!

