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Another draw down!~ X3c Making decent progress on my to-do list ye! XP

Phewww~ Oki doke! Tomorrow I'll set up the submissions for this month's fan art poll draws 'n such too, so keep an eye out for 'em! :3c
That's about all for now XD I need food haha see y'all again soon!~ (/ 。         ◁゚)/


All versions can be seen in April's dropbox~



Jeffrey Beam

Glad to see you’re still working hard even in these crazy times Maggie, your stuff has really been helping me with the stress of work

Spelt Wrong, but right.

That is such a great few pieces of art, I do like the one without glasses more. But I love them all equally enough I don’t think it matters. You are great!


Oh gosh it’s done!? And you did a variant?! That’s just too dang awesome of you Magnolia! Quite honestly, I think your kidnappers are just tying you up so you can get some sleep! You’re working a s fast as a bolt of lightning! like wow! The piece itself is...Of course, pure perfection as you always give us...But really you need to get some slep nao! (especially in all that tape!) ∩^ω^∩


I love the night sky in this one it beautiful. Lovely job


Ha! Sure put a sock in that one! :3 Excellllllent job!!!!


Okay, this is probably, single-handedly my favourite piece of artwork you've done UwU I'm serious! First off, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the background! I'm a sucker for a beautiful night sky! The only thing that would've made me fall in love even more with it would've been some stars but even as it is, this is one hell of a background I'm in love! :D It goes perfectly with the shading and the menacing black outfit of the kidnappers as well. And of course the centerpiece of this all, Maggy herself ;3 I've always been a fan of this OC in particular, and I will always think duct tape is the best kind of binding for her and her black and blue outfit! I've always been a fan of your colors and shading and this draw is no less beautiful! I'm a huge fan of everything here and I almost wish there would a fourth part but I think you could very easy drag an already perfect narrative too far... -w-" Keep it going Mag! Get some rest as always~ and thanks for blessing us! \ u w u /


Oh my quite interesting to see part 3 all done up and I gotta say they end result turned out very lovely! Well let's hope there is just enough light for someone to see her and and her 0.o Although it does beg the question if we will see a part 4 and the used more tape route haha.


Wow...just wow! This is beyond my wildest...get ready for it...imagnoliation! (☞゚∀゚)☞


Magnolia bound up, barefoot and sockgagged <3 Love it! I wonder if there's going to be a part 4? :3


(/ 。 ◁゚)/ donnnne~ Haha yeee I tried to rest up a bit more these past couple days XP


X3c ahhhh thank ye!~ haha I always take a while doing the shading so I'm glad it turns out oki to everyoneeee! ; v ;/


One of my absolute favs. No matter what, modern snoop napped n' hastily wrapped up is da best