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Phewwwwww Ryza done!~ (  ง ò           ᗜ   ó)ง  

Like I mentioned before, I decided to do an alt of her in her DLC swimsuit outfit for y'all too :3c hehe so I hope y'all like! XP

I also made versions with text bubbles to give a bit of a narrative to the draw as well :P Basically, Ryza, ever excited to try out new alchemy recipes, purchased a mysterious one from some shady merchant dood and tried it out immediately :0 uh ohhhhh


Also, I've tried to avoid doing so since I always thought it's kinda distracting to the overall draw, but I think I'm going to starting putting a more obvious signature on my work from now on :0 I've had issues with my art getting reposted lately, which always sucks :/ But having an obvious Patreon signature or watermark may help dissuade art theft/reposting, and would at the very least have my name on it~ 🤔 So ye, just to let y'all knowww~

Anyways! On to the next draw ye!~


All versions can be seen in April's dropbox~




No idea who she is, but i like the predicament. You should definitely always put your signature on your drawings, since its impossible to keep people from reposting it and where. With your name on it at least you are easily answering "Sauce?", ahead of time, and its good to take pride in your work.


Yeah, getting your signature or a watermark on there would be a smart idea. Might not stop reposting, but at least it'll put art theft to a screeching halt.


do quite enjoy magical bindings and all they can do. Adds a nice little bit of detail and free's up some space so you can just see the damsels haha.


I must have "Ryza" my settings up because the quality here is 🔥... (I very bad pun-maker). Great stuff as usual and sigh, I am not surprised at the re-posted works, shame. At least with the signature/watermark it would have some dissuasion but I kinda doubt it. I don't personally mind it if puts your mind at ease Mags~ (P.S: Maybe not have the watermark thingy on an easy editable background...)

Joe Dover

look at dat B O O T Y... now in HD And good call with the watermark, definitely going to be a deterrence in people claiming your artwork as their own (probably won’t stop reposters though) Another stellar work as always.


Guess that wasn't the recipe she thought she was paying for ;3 Also dw about the watermark it's not distracting at all :3


Looks phenomenal, Mags! And no worries about the watermark--I didn't even notice it at first!


Woah...This is absolutely FANTASTIC! The shading and color you’ve used may possibly be the best of any piece you’ve made! Of course we’ve enjoyed the pose and predicament for awhile now because you absolutely spoiled us with this! From the final product, to the previews, you’ve done an absolutely incredible, and astounding job! As for the Patreon watermark, don’t worry about it one dang bit! Some bad apples are bound to ruin the fun, and I’ve gotta respect how calmly you’ve handled these indecent individuals...So don’t worry one bit Magmag! You’ve got our support as always! Really sorry how many bad things just seemed to crash on you all at once, it’s pretty heart breaking~ Well in any case, I hope my words cheer you up! You’re an absolutely immaculate artist, and you never cease to put a smile on my face, your posts are most definitely a light in my day, so never be afraid to take it easy, and make changes...Keep being your beautiful self Magnolia~ Incredible job as always ∩^ω^∩


I'm sorry, the Magnolia subscriber writing this comment has been disconnected. It's possible that they have not slept while viewing this unctuous and Atelier-azing display of wonderfulness!


Yee I used to just put my lil 'MB' initials hidden in my draws, but putting my full signature on display is better~


(/ 。 ◁゚)/ haha nuuuu twas a good pun!! And yeee future draws'll have a good space set aside in their composition for me to put the signature in~


Ahhh thanks Imota!! ; w ;/ Glad the shading 'n all turned out oki!~ And yee I try not to let negative emotions show in posts and tweets that often X0 But these things do get to me sometimes uwa But it's nice to know so many great folks have my back ; v ;/


:0 I hope they manage to reconnect soon so I can tell them thanks! (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞