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So uh.... I couldn't help myself again =        v  =;; baha the scenario that was suggested with Hestia just seemed too fun X3c I wanted to draw more of it~
Decided to turn Hestia's draw into a mini-comic like I've done a few times before with other winners~ XP Which is also why it's taking a longer to finish than I originally intended... ^^; Just a lil longer until this is finished y'all!~ :0

Either way, this is where I'm at so far!~ X3
Next up'll be tweaking some things I noticed and then line art!~ 

Full sketch (with and without speech bubbs) can be seen in March's dropbox~




One always wonders how a tiny ribbon holds those up. At least now she has more to help with that haha.

Bryan Holland

You've been doing good so for so how've you been doing recently?


Oh Maggie...you never HESTIA-tate to spoil us!


Keep this up Dio and you’re gonna give Mag a run for her pun money! (*^▽^*)


I’ve gotta admit Mag I got some nostalgia from this one! Not just because of the character but the bindings! To me I immediately remembered your “Catnapping a Kahna” picture from way back when because of the ribbons (≧∀≦) This is such a great pic Mag! I can’t even express how cute it is!


Wow, you've outdone yourself once again~! Glad you like the scenario and thank you for showing us this wonderful sketch. This is the best way to nab Bestia~ x3


Haha oh man in almost three months here, that draw will be four years old! O v O Nostalgia indeed haha! XP And thanks Imota!~