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After coming out on top of last month's OC sketch poll, Lauren won an all-expenses paid, premium visit from the Spoopy Ghost Hands, courtesy of Leuedai X3c Hehe it's more than just for birthdays and holidays that Leu calls upon their service!~ >:3
Congrats to Lauren and Franky66!~


Uwaaaa sorry these poll draws are coming very late! ;      v   ;/ I spent a whole lot of energy early this month working on the OmniV story parts, and I always wanna make sure I try to take my time working on draws (especially involving other folks' OCs) ; v;/
Plus, something I've always struggled with drawing is foreshortening, so I've been trying to practice with it a bit more lately... which seems to end up making the draw take much longer since I can never get the pose looking decent =       w  =/ eheh but it's something I really wanna get better at so I'ma keep practicing XP
But anyways, excuses excuses... =      w  =7 eheh

Like with Liana last month, I know it may not really seem like just a sketch XP More of a 'pseudo-sketch' since my usual sketches can get kinda messy and not too presentable = v=/ haha I wanna make sure the winner will really like the drawing of their OC ; v;/ 

Anyways, gonna get back to work on Hestia now~ X3c Her draw is ending up to be bigger than I originally planned too XP But I hope y'all'll like it! ;        w   ;

Voting for April's OC sketch poll and Fan art poll are going on right now too!~ X3c Check 'em out if ya wanna~

(_ =            w   =)7


Draw is available through this dropbox:




Joe Dover

Man, I hate those ghost hands..... On the fact that those aren’t my hands :( Good art as always, the picante level in your pics are always a pleasure lol


Ah. Gropey ghost hands. The best kind~ ;3


Ahhh The spoopy ghost hands providing a valuable service. Real MVPs!


Ghosropey hands at it again :X


Purple Hand People Gropers! They're just making sure that Lauren is safe from any silly billy virus with some extreme measure of social distancing! I guess they can't get affected coz, you know, being disembodied hands and all, lol!


Mag, I don’t even know what to say anymore, just...oh my goooooooooooooooooosssshhhh are you out doing yourself every dang time! I’m running out of things to say! This is undoubtedly one of the best pieces you’ve made Mag! Just....AAAAHHHHH YOU’RE GREAT!!!!