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If ya need to catch up on OmniV story stuffs, here are the individual links to each part~

[All parts of this chapter have now been posted publicly~]

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18

Part 19

Part 20

Part 21

Part 22

Part 23

Part 24

Part 25

Part 26

Part 27

Epilogue Pt 1

Epilogue Pt 2

Epilogue Pt 3

Epilogue Pt 4

Epilogue Pt 5 




Excellent, patate :D


Love that mouth stuffing <3


That stuff-gag portion of this “step by step” is to die fooorrrr! (*≧∀≦*) And by die I mean of a cuteness overload...Great job mag!


Man you gotta stop getting so inspired with your pic scenarios...kidding of course, please keep getting "distracted" as long as the longer drawing sessions don't stress or tire you out too much! Man, Mym has put a lot of though into getting tied up...and it's clear from her fellow dragons' facial reactions that they have mixed feelings about getting roped up in her plans. Even sans dialogue now, I can see the one on the left going "Wait, what does this have to do with us?" while the rightmost girl would say "I don't think she's thinking about us right now..." And of course Mym herself is too busy working out the kinks in her idea to get distracted by her friends' responses...concentration is key, after all. I had never heard of Dragalia Lost before seeing this pic, and after seeing your version of Mym...yeah she looks downright cute, I can see why she's one of your current favorite gals for fanart draws! Good luck on Part 2 and the dialogue additions, September is gonna be quite an adventure!


Hehe if there's a scenario that pops up in my head that I really like, there's no stopping meh! ᕦ(ò w óˇ)ᕤ hehe Yupyup!~ The scenarios she imagines in-gam get pretty intricate too XP haha she's definitely the best drago gril in the gam :3c