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Phewwwww this one took me a while X0 Started out with some pretty bad art block-like symptoms and nothing I was drawing seemed to be coming out right to me Dx Lots of revisions and such eventually led to this!~ So I hope y'all likey! X3

Themed polls are pretty fun :3c We'll see what I do for next month tho~ X3c Until then, August isn't over just yet!~ >:3


All variants and alts for this drawing can be viewed in August's Dropbox Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kiyzb2xbsmsgjgu/AABEiNQAlSIiZIc6ThQmHGW1a?dl=0




Awww no ball gag variant. Regardless, A++++ work !


Awesome job with Robin! Thank you so much for taking your time with this! (Side note: props to that pun of yours I just now noticed lol,)


Phenomenal work on Robin and the variants :)


Yes! So happy Robin won~! What a wonderful drawing with some amazing variations~! Great job as always, Mags~

Joe Dover

This picture is now in my top 5 white colored things ;3


PUUNNNNS (^з^)-☆ And lewdnesss! She looks marvelous, good job all round mag, can’t wait to see what plays out these next months...


Our Magnolia with the skills to pay dem bills! I legitimately have no puns with the word: Robin other than what you used lol


Woooo! FE girls are the best girls (with Xenoblade being close second, so I hope to see the swimsuit Pyra someday in the future as well)! Awesome piece as usual, Magnolia. :) Instant favorite.


This would make a great "Game Over!" screen, and those clouds look beautiful! As for Robin, at the very least her captors were "kind" enough to leave her in the shade while bound and gagged. It's the little things you appreciate as a prisoner... Great job with the alts, not to mention sticking with it despite what was no doubt an epic battle against your art block-opponent. FLAWLESS VICTORY! As for the theme for next month...are you considering suggestions?


No tape gag either unfortunately, but I absolutely agree; this is a classic FE DiD masterpiece!


Let’s see… Great Picture, check~, Good alts, check~ and what’s else… oh puns… yup,.. that is also there. 😊


Thank ya!~ :3c I generally try to keep the gags in line with what would be used in that character's world, but I may try to start using other gags here and there too!~ X3c


Thank ya! :3 Hehe and thanks for noticing the pun too XP Gotta keep 'em comin'! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

MagnoliaDucky (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 05:27:25 Hehe agreed~ >:3c I'd love to giv swimsuit Pyra a go someday! X3c And thank ya! :D
2019-08-28 20:29:03 Hehe agreed~ >:3c I'd love to giv swimsuit Pyra a go someday! X3c And thank ya! :D

Hehe agreed~ >:3c I'd love to giv swimsuit Pyra a go someday! X3c And thank ya! :D


X3c Thank ya!~ Hehe and ye how very thoughtful of 'em! XP Hmmm sure I'll check out some suggestions you have! I may end up doing a normal themeless poll again and then do a Halloween costume theme for October :0 But we'll see haha I'm still undecided~


Considering this drawing (https://www.deviantart.com/magnolia-baillon/art/Party-Prep-Halloween-2017-712625225), I can't wait to see what you end up drawing when October 2019 rolls around. What ideas do you have in mind for September so far? -Talk Like a Pirate Day -"Back to School" (for the OmniV gang)