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I knew it would be close XP We've got another tiebreaker poll this month as well!~ Combining the normal votes with the additional votes the Honorary Omnivoyant placed put both Robin and Pyra on top! The tiebreaker poll's gonna start in a couple hours to determine to Ultimate winner~ X3

Aside from that, I wanted to thank y'all again and tell ya a story of the past few days~ While I was finishing up the Lucy comic, I noticed the screen on my tablet was lifting quite a bit on the left side. It's been lifting a little bit for a while, but I just assumed it was cuz of the pressure I put on the right side of the screen as I drew on it over the years. But it was starting to really jut out at this point, so I took a closer look and the back of the tablet was bulging a bit too :O Turns out the battery's been bad for a while and was swelling up, which is really dangerous if it explodes and/or starts a fire o    A o/ I decided to backup all my files to a drive, shut off the tablet for good and found a recycling center to get rid of the battery. I couldn't find a replacement battery for it anywhere (maybe since it was a disco'd model?), but luckily, I was able to order up a new tablet which just came in yesterday :D And this one'll connect to my PC so I don't have to worry about battery issues~ XP Got all my files redownloaded, software licenses and keyboard shortcuts all set, so I'm ready to get back to drawin' after an unexpected three day break! X3

So long story short, thank y'all for supporting me here on Pat :3c I'm able to quickly get back to doin' what I enjoy: drawin' more fun shtuff for ya! ;       w  ;/ So ye~ Got some good good drawin's planned for the weekend so here we go! (ง'̀          v     '́)ง 



Hey, it's your hard work that allows us to enjoy your content! You're truly a Mag-nificent creator! Hopefully the new tablet works out for you!


And thus ends the journey of tablet 1.0, it clearly served you quite well over however many years it lasted before its untimely demise. Glad you were able to get all your files backed up and re-downloaded too, good save there! And hey you deserved that three-day break, unexpected or not.