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(I would've posted this an hour ago but I wanted food =        ▽   = haha)

This one's suuuuuper close :O Three grils have been fighting for first place with another trailing closely for the past three days~ I really think this one's gonna come down to the wire, so be sure to cast your votes if you haven't already! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و Every vote counts!~

(ง•̀               ω    •́)ง 



Food....hmmmm, so you're asking for us to vote for what you can eat? In that case, I would like to submit an entry for Tacos. 🌮🌮🌮


Hope you enjoyed the meal, (I wanted to make a grill/gril joke but I’m too tired 😓)


Time must always be made for food, where else does all that energy for drawing your awesome art come from? (you know, aside from genuine enthusiasm and such).