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Fan art poll winner (other than Magnolia XD) for this month was Ruby!~

As the name sort of implies, this is a sequel to "Making a 'Rose' Bundle", the first drawing of Ruby I drew on DeviantArt~ XP And since it's a sequel, I figured I'd have to create some sort of narrative for it >:3c So I made it so that Ruby was captured and used as leverage by the White Fang to get the rest of Team RWBY to surrender when they arrived >X3 Here we see what happens after they surrender themselves~ hehehe (Side note: just like with the last drawing, I used Ruby's art from BlazBlue: Cross Tag as reference, which is why her baps are bigger than from the show... >           v    >/ lol) They want to make sure they can make a clean getaway without the huntresses following them! :O

It took me some time to come up with a pose/scene that conveyed the story I wanted X0 I actually had another scene sketched up that I thought had potential, but Reixi and I ultimately decided on this one XP Partially because I already did a similar pose for another draw within the past couple months =     v  = haha I do like the idea for the other scene too tho, so I may use it for another character at some point :3c I also decided to experiment with CSP's speech bubble and text tools a bit! Thanks Shio for helping me with the font~ :3c I'll probably experiment even more with this in later draws so I'm more proficient when the time to make the comic comes~ X3

Alrighty, so next up'll be the Magnolia drawing! That'll be the last draw for this month so even though I'll get it done in August, it'll get put into the dropbox for July, which I'm getting ready to post here soon :3c It'll contain all the draws I did for this month in one neat folder~ X3c

To close, thank you everybody for an absolutely incredible first month of Patreon! ;       v   ;/ You have no idea how much your support means to me! I hope you'll continue to enjoy all that I have to offer in the future! \^     v  ^/


This drawing can be viewed in full in July's Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5hu9ekl1ebfq904/AAAORQWo9yFkQtCcd5kuBXQka?dl=0




:3 you're welcome


Oh shoot! They nabbed all four! This is a treat 😏 (BTW, Super stoked for the Mag pic. Can't wait to see the scenario you've cooked up >:3) And happy 1 month-ish anniversary! ^^


HELL YEAH! THIS IS AWESOME! Stunning work mag! And congrats on a successful first month on patreon! Woo!


I really love the way you do cleave gags Mags <3


It says 1 of 2. Does that mean there's a part two to this?


It means Ruby was one of the winners of the Fan Art Poll for July. I decided to do the top two placements this month, so Ruby's the first, and Mag's the second. Also, her scar is there, I just realized it's not shaded all that well Dx May go back and edit it if I have spare time


Thank you. You're beautiful, I don't care what people say.


A sequel that goes beyond the original, excellent job! Interesting too how Weiss is shown getting gagged, while Yang and Blake have already been reduced to angry, muffled prisoners (I'm guessing this was because of the former's rebellious attitude and the latter's past, right?) At least their getting captured shows how much they care about Ruby's safety; the same probably can't be said of the White Fang commander and his goons. I'm sure the other scene/pose would've worked too, but this one is great! It feels like a page out of a comic book, at the midpoint where the heroes are at their lowest before finding a way to proceed. The display of Ruby's captured friends in a "tower" of smaller panels adds to that comic page style. Nice to know you're keeping the other scene/pose in mind for future draws, though, as well as experimenting. If you're learning something new with each post, that's always a positive! And thank you right back for the incredible drawings you've posted in your first month as a Patron creator! You clearly hit the ground running ever since you started uploading here, and I'm sure your future uploads over the rest of this year (let alone 2020!) are gonna blow our expectations out of the water repeatedly. Your Magnolia fanart drawing, the comic you've been working hard to bring to illustrated life, any others you've got planned...you're going places as an artist. I don't think any of us'd miss it for the world.


Geez, you really outdo yourself with each piece, Magnolia! This comic is so amazing and you can't go wrong with the RWBY characters, poll or not! <3 Can't wait for part 2. OHBOI OHBOI OHBOI!!!


^ v ^/ Thank ya!~ Hehe and the idea with that tower of panels is to subtly show different stages of the gagging process: Weiss is just getting gagged, Blake is getting the gag pulled to be tied off, and Yang's pretty much gagged completely X3c But ye giving Blake a harsher gag (with stuffing) may be because of her 'traitor' status with the White Fang~ >:3 hehe And a comic page is what I was going for!~ Hehe seems I'm starting to go the more comic route when doing story-based draws lately XP I think the OmniV sketches are influencing them! Aww ; v ;/ Thank you very much!!~


^ w ^/ Thanks Dioooo!! Can never go wrong with RWBY!~ >:3c And I actually didn't do a part 2 of this draw Dx I meant that Ruby is one of the two winners of this month's poll XP hehe the Mag draw is #2 :3c


Personally I’m not the biggest RWBY fan but I can appreciate the cute grils it gives us! This I super cute mag! Great job!


Great work! You make the RWBY girls look even cuter than usual! I especially like how angry Yang looks.


Yeah but next time we go with what'll take less time to do okay. You sleepy patate = v =/


Awesome work there! Absolutely great picture! You definitely knocked it out of the ballpark with this one. Maybe further along down the road you can show fully body pics of how the other three of team rwby got trussed up. Excellent job! 😁😁


Great work with this! :)


I second this - I wanna see all four of these cuties bound up and gagged!


Oh, yeah, that's what I actually meant! Sorry for being a poo-poo head! :D But, either way, I CANNA WAIT LASS!!!

Andrew Shaw

This is everything I ever wanted in a commission, but could never find. *drools slightly from the mouth*


Why thank ya!! :3c Hehe maybe so! XP I'd love to give the other three another go some time~