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EDIT: Story text for this sketch can now be read here!:

Hana and Tsukimaru come to Hiromi's aid to combat Banshee! :O Banshee's illusion powers will only work if she makes direct eye contact with the target, so using this new knowledge to their advantage, the OmniV manage to gain the upper hand! In an act of desperation, Banshee launched a large number of ribbons at them, confident they couldn't dodge them all. Luckily, the OmniV have an ace up their sleeve: ... doggo! >:D Tsuki jumps into Hana's hands and, with a flash of light, releases a barrier that reflects the ribbons right back, protecting the grils while wrapping up this part of the battle~


The second confrontation between the Kasaikōri and Banshee ended in an OmniV victory, but we still have a lot of story left to tell in this chapter ;3c Next, I wonder how the other OmniV are faring with their respective foes! :O I'ma also be working on getting these first five finished up with written story at the same time~ X3c




And so begins the fanservice!╰(▔∀▔)╯

Joe Dover

Lil’ Moon can reflect certain objects by removing his friction? SOFTO ANDO WETTO!


Whelp, that's a...wrap.

willl sargent

How do YOU like it Banshee?! That dog is more than meets the eye!


"Wrapping up this part of the battle"... ;) I see what you did there... Have a piece of 🍰.


Talk about a last surprise; Banshee clearly never saw that coming! This is why you should have an animal companion, you just never know when they'll be the one standing between victory and defeat. Small, adorable and badass all rolled into one (even the ribbons don't dare hit Tsuki!) He kinda reminds me of Iggy from JoJo in that respect... I really like how the "big sister instinct" applies to both Hana and Hiromi, and especially to Tsuki in this picture (where his force field ability works as an attack when combined with the ribbons). Just b/c Hana's a target, doesn't mean she won't step in when someone she grew up with is being attacked...by someone else she grew up with. Well huh. There's a subtle heartbreaker for ya. A few questions, though: if Banshee's illsions work through direct eye contact, why couldn't see attack Hiromi this way in the previous story sketch?(ya know the one, with the dramatic stares). Does her "solid image" mask prevent that? I'm also curious why the ribbons immediately wrapped around Banshee, rather than just get deflected off the force field or land around her. Was this due to her being caught off guard by Tsuki's "shield wall"? I can just imagine her recognizing the dog from some past event, surprised that he's alive before getting ribboned up like a rushed Christmas present. Rest assured I'm not mentioning this to criticize, I'm just curious. There's more to the overall battle here of course, but i still can't help but wonder. Feel free to ignore these questions if they get in the way of your drawing schedule, though. Overall, great addition to this OmniV sketch story! My biased nitpicking aside, I really enjoyed the unexpected turn this duel took. I'm betting the other battles between Kuro and OmniV will be just as memorable.


Someone needs to nerf that puppy. he's op :P So conflicted, on the one hand we get a wrapped up banshee... possibly even a mummified Banshee if the ribbons aren't done, but we could have also gotten a mummified Hiromi.


Pupper to the rescue!


Hehe Banshee DID start using that on Hiromi in the last sketch~ X3c Did ya notice the red through the mask coming from her right eye? >:3c (It'll be more prominent when it's fully colored XP) And just think of the ribbons being hit by a reflector like from Smash Bros XD There's no realistic physics reason why the ribbons go right back to Banshee to wrap her up haha and Banshee just got caught off guard. Most questions most people have will be answered when I write out the stories too X3 lol But thanks!~ :3c


XP pupper too stronk!~ Haha it had to happen this way with the story X0 But maybe another day we'll see a mummified Hiromi~


Tsukimaru used angry cuteness! It’s bondage-ly effective!