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EDIT: Story text for this sketch can now be read here!:

The Kuro seem to have set their sights on Ella most of all, but the rest of the OmniV move in to protect her~ A fight looks ready to break out between the OmniV and the very strong Kuro Specialists, who appear eager to defeat and capture them all (or at least take Ella)... 

Well, two of the three Kuro seems eager at least. Is Cross having reservations about the operation...?


Phewww I forgot how long it takes to even just sketch out draws with so many characters =    v = haha But the story continues!! >:3c Will the Kuro emerge victorious or will the OmniV pull through and defeat their cunning adversaries? :O uwaaaaa

Some of the following fight illustrations also include some bondage, so look forward to iiiiiit~ XP hehehe




WATCH OUT, WE GOT SOME BADASSES HERE!!! Seriously, your art belongs in the pantheon that is artist alley!

Joe Dover



They even brought the doggo! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Are we gonna get to see Tsukimaru kick some butt?

willl sargent

When are we going to see the full next chapter? Anytime soon?


Leu: It's five against three, ya got no chance! Tsukimaru: (growls indignantly over Hana's arm) Leu: Uhm...yeah, SIX against three, that's right!!


I'm thinking of doing about five sketches per month and then finishing the drawings (along with writing the story) the next month while also sketching the next 5+ drawings. Idk if you saw in the first sketch's description that this chapter's gonna number in the 30+ drawing range to finish telling everything, so it'll take me a while to complete it all~


So much to like here, let's see: -the variety in character poses and color layouts -Hana's hood changing its face based on her own expression -the most badass example of pulling a beanie over one eye that I've ever seen (to activate Omniv powers, props to Leu!) Even without your description, it's clear that the rest of the OmniV are willing to put their lives on the line for Ella; this also suggests how long they've been together as a close-knit sisterhood of fighters. You clearly put a lot of effort into depicting friend and foe alike; I'm gonna guess that Persona 5 was a possible influence. I'm of course undeniably looking forward to the future fight scene, and not just for the bondage involved (that'll be an awesome bonus, though!) As for Cross, maybe she doesn't care for the upcoming battle as much as her fellow Kuro specialists? Can't wait to find out.


X3 why thank ya again!!~ And there’s plenty of things that influenced how I depict my characters ‘n such, from gams and anime I enjoy to real life~ Hehe and I hope the fight shots’ll come out looking good! X3c

willl sargent

Soo.. October maybe? Ok, it'll make a good birthday present. In the meantime, will we see a sketch of Hiromi wearing her mask at least?