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About five months ago, I posted a WIP on DeviantArt of all the Smash characters I mained and had as secondaries... Since Joker came out and I've been playing him almost exclusively, all my previous mains and seconds have been sidelined.. but I think they're still very fun to play! :3 These eight are in my top ten most played characters and they're in order of who I like to play as most (after Joker XP)~ I've added Pokemon Trainer and Inkling since the WIP because I learned since then that they're just so fun! :D Maybe I'll come back to this one and recolor it to show the alt colors I play as with each? 

Tried a different approach in coloring to this one~ Wanted it to remain simple and saturated in color! Lemme know what you think of the way I did this one! :3 May try it more often!




I don't know much about the specifics behind color saturation in art (so may be this won't mean all that much), but this is a great pic; the fact that you alternate between these characters looking towards their gags or off to the side/forward makes for a nice bity of variety; the same goes for the variation most of the gag types on display. Alternative recolors could be a neat idea, would they be ones from the game or your own customizations? Also, restrained AND sidelined? Warming the benches in Super Smash must be just as much of a battle as the regular matches!


Looks like you had a lot of fun with this one (because you said it already lol)! I like it! It's still reminiscent with your style and looks fairly quick to design (in comparison to the rest of your gorgeous art that is!)


Hehe thanks! :3c And alt recolors would be the ones from the game that I always choose when I play them~ I'd have to add a hat to Inkling tho since I always play the pink alt X3c hehe and they're always fighting even off the battlefield >:3 Just a different kind of fighting XP


Leuedai and Addie a great combination 😋