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Kicking things off with this year's Summer beach draw, this time with two of my girls! :O Looks like Leu is plotting something to see which one Rev will rescue first, but to give Addie an extra chance, she did the same thing to her bikini top as she did to Hiromi last year... >:3c Poor Ella... she just wanted her scarf back and now Rev's going to see her wrapped up like this again! >   o </ Which would you save first..? x3

You can see the previous two beach drawings from years past on DeviantArt as well! :3c Thank you for your support thus far! ^      w  ^/




I am not even surprised. XD


lol, saw the image in the banner and was like "when did this happen?" Now I know :P


Already bringing out the spicy stuff I see! :O


If this is meant as a sequel mini-comic to the other two beach draws, Ella would definitely deserve to be saved first; at least she didn't slip that "secret ingredient" in Hiromi's drink... Lots to like about this post: -the fact that Leu's thoughts are in chibi form -that sign! (even more hilarious if Leu had Ella or Adelaide write it themselves before they were restrained) -Leu not gagging Ella with the scarf (even with her DiD antics, she clearly understands how important it is to Ella) -your use of the background to make the picture ever more realistic (i.e. the shadow under the tree and the wisps of cloud, especially) -the contrast of the two girls' respective situations, with Ella "taking a knee" while Adelaide "hangs tight" The facial expressions and story here are aspects you've already proven your skill at in previous Deviantart draws, and it shows here as a good starting point for your first Patreon pic. Given how much mischief Leu's been getting up to in these beach draws, I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up getting tied up next (not that she'd be likely to mind it).


I would save Adelaide, def. As much as I love Ella, I think Rev is deserving of a treat every now and again :D


Oh Leu, you trickster. Le gasp indeed!


It is!~ :3 hehehe all the beach draws are connected~ And I'm glad ya noticed all the lil details! I can definitely see all the grils getting serious revenge on Leu next time &gt;:3c haha


Ooh. In that case, can I get a refill on my drink please? X3