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Our second 'Help Mag Choose' poll has reached its verdict! Amongst these 25 grils, the one to come out on top is Camilla from Fire Emblem!~ 🥇

Looks like we'll be getting a swimsuit-themed draw for this month's winner anyway! XPc Haha
Also, you may have noticed the lil pinkish numbers next to some options here. Those are the votes added from the polls on SubStar~ X3c OmniV Companion votes count as +1 while Honorary OmniV votes count as +2 (like how here on Pat, Honoraries get an additional vote as well)~ So ye!

Thanks for voting y'all!~ (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ω˂̣̣̥)੭ु⁾⁾
Let's make this a good week! ( งㅇ ω ꒪)ง



Aw man i wanted wiz....well better luck next time


hehe been dying to see more fire emblem girls from you, camilla was super high on that list so i cant wait to see what you do with her!!


Exciting to see some Camilla swimsuit content 🙏


Oh HELL yes. So excited to see another FE girl from you! Gosh, was the last one your Byleth piece? Or was it the Corrin doodle? Either way, we haven't seen one in your style in a long time. Super pumped! :D