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A follow-up to this draw from three years ago which was a follow-up to this draw from seven years ago!~
The space pirates have finally gotten Samus to her cell, and they seem to have used Samus's own Paralyzer on her in order to get her more secure before locking her in! :0c How's the hunted bounty hunter gonna wriggle her way out of this one..? > v>/

This set includes 264 alts!~ XPc Including many different color alts plus versions with normal rope and duct tape instead of the purple glowy ones~ X3 These took me sooo looooooooong haha T vT/
Anywaysss, hope y'all like!~ T vT/ (Btw the story text changes slightly depending on if Samus has a blindfold, has her hands wrapped, or is she's nooooood) XP


Finished draws (and WIPs) can be seen in the March-April 2024 Dropbox!~ Either in the Community Chat or on Discord!~




Zack Morris

She was well worth the wait, Mag! Fantastic work!

willl sargent

The hunter has become the hunted! Samus bondage is a special thing, to see such a powerful lady humbled like this. Like I said before, I wonder if this is Boba Fetts revenge for losing death battle. (Boy I hope they can bring that series back)


AMONGUS? NAH FAM WE GOT THAT SAMUS! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) MagMag treats us so good!


Links are all in either the Community Chat or on Discord~ If you're having trouble accessing either one, send me a DM~