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Ahoi y'all!~ Just a reminder that I'm gonna be taking a bit of a break these next few weeks of May, hence why y'all who stuck around from April weren't charged at the start of this month~ T v T7

But I also just wanted to say thank y'all so much for continuing to support my worrrrrrk!! 🥹
It's all cuz of y'all that I can continue to make all this stuffffffffff~ ; V ;/ 🎨✍️🐥

Anyways, I'll see y'all again with some new stuffs laterrrr! ✌️

 ^Art of Ella is by my pal gingrjoke from back in 2019!~ X3c I just rediscovered it in one of my folders and wanted to share it again hahaa 🥹 Go check out his stuffs thx!~ ; v;/

...I gotta draw Ella a whole lot more toooooo ( ಥ v ಥ)/ 🥔🧣



Rest as well as you can Mag~! You’ve truly earned the break. Drawing banger after banger has gotta be draining for a duck~🦆💗

Jack Z

Rest well Mags and enjoy your time with friendos, you’ve earned it a while ago ya doofy duck~ 🦆 And I can’t wait for the bangers that come whenever you return~ :3


Enjoy your break Mag! Love that art of Ella by gingrjoke 💗


Enjoy your break, Mags! Have fun with your friends, eat lots of yummy food, and play lots of fun games (may I recommend the Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door remake?).

Zack Morris

Have a good break, Mag! Hope you have fun!


Have fun during your break and take good care of yourself. You deserve it.


Eat drink and be merry MagMag! Pet some ferocious ducks on the way too!

willl sargent

Have fun. Also I know your on break, but I watched Caddyshack again, and it gave me kind of a funny idea for potential future fan art, if Chai's mother gave the girls passes to the local country club, what would Hiromi's tennis and golf outfits look like if she went?


Hey Magnolia, I tried looking up the dropboxes you linked, but they all say that your files are deleted. What the heck's going on?