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(       。                   ω       ゚)/ The alternate ending to Hiromi's Training continuessss~ >XD The betrayalllll!!! :O
But also poor Hiromi baha T v T/ Her training is turning out to be really intensive ahhh im such a bully... ; v ;/


The dommy is getting a taste of her own medicine~ > v >/
As I always say, you can't be a gril OC of Mag's without getting tied at least once 😂

I also hav the next part already laid out that's just awaiting sketching and such too, but it may hav to wait a lil longer since I'm about to go on break... T v T/

But yeeee hope y'all enjoy this new part!~ (╭☞✧ω✧)╭☞


Dropbox can be found through hereeee~




adam wilkins

At least she didn’t get run over by a warthog

Bryan Holland

Well i hope that you're doing fine because your art is amazing so how are you've been doing recently?