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K – “Fine. If that’s what you want. You’ve got your fucking wish. Crazy bitch.”

R – “Good, now fuck off. You have no idea what the hell you’ve lost.”

As Kyle walked away, the anger I felt gradually was replaced with something else: relief. It felt good to get some of the things I needed to say to him off of my chest. The restraint I showed was more out of self-respect for me. I had no desire to cause more of a scene than I already had. He just wasn’t worth it. Part of me hoped that was the last I saw of Kyle. He didn’t deserve me or the relationship with his son, due in a few short weeks. I had the closure that I sought, even if it meant my own life as a young mother was going to be more challenging. I was not going to let anybody use me or hurt me like he had ever again.

As I collected my thoughts, I saw Natalie out of the corner of my eye. She walked over and sat down next to me. 

N – “You did well, Becca. That dickhead didn’t deserve any less.”

R – “He certainly deserved more. I wanted to slap the smirk right off of his smug fucking face.”

N – “Easy bitch. Though I agree, let’s make sure you stay out of jail/ I don’t think you’d fit in those prison uniforms anyways. 

R – “Oh fuck you.”

N – “Maybe if you’re lucky. Then again, I’ve never really been into girls. Especially ones ready to pop.”

Even after the heated exchange with Kyle, I couldn’t help but laugh at that moment. Despite what others may see when they look at us, I knew deep down that even cold-hearted bitches have soft spots. I took one final moment to think about how far things had come since last year. I liked who I was and who I wanted to become. And I wouldn’t give a fuck about anybody that didn’t. Not anymore. 



Story created in collaboration with Gymbo 


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These two characters - especially the combination of these two characters are among my favorites. They work well together and it was fun working with you to flesh these characters a little bit more out.


rebecca looks so good *.*