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That same day, I waited for Natalie to come back after wasting time with her fake friends. I had gradually withdrawn from everyone I knew after Kyle left. I grew tired of tears and regrets. Kyle was gone: there was no point to mourn his bullshit any longer. I needed to talk to someone, I couldn’t keep this bottled up alone. Natalie had a reputation around campus: only part of it was true. Yet, she didn’t care about what others thought or said about her. I suppose I admired that about the cold-hearted bitch. I can still remember with clarity what we talked about that night.

N – “Becca, you’re still up? You’re usually asleep hours ago.”

R – “I… was actually waiting up for you…”

N – “Really? What for?”

R – “I need to tell you… about something…” I whispered as a tear slid down my right eye.

N – “Okay girl, what’s bothering you?” She moved closer and sat beside me on my bed.

I made sure Natalie never saw me cry. Let alone cry over some guy that left me. Natalie would have laughed me right out of the room. I recognized then that despite the walls I’d put up, she still knew that something was wrong (Some kind of girly sixth sense? Or was it the gloomy look and protruding belly?). 

After I explained everything that had happened over the last couple months, I expected her to tell me something along the lines of, “Oh shut the fuck up, you little whiny bitch. Are you seriously that messed up over some dumbass guy who knocked you up? Do you think you’re the only one with problems?” 

But no, she sat there and listened closely to every word I said. More tears came as I grasped my teddy bear for some small comfort. Once I was done, it was her time to talk. And what she said blew me away. The tears stopped at that moment as I heard the words my ex-shithead never dared to say.

N – “Becca, I’m here for you. I wish you would’ve told me sooner. You are very strong for having endured all this on your own. While I’m not particularly fond of the whole pregnancy thing, I do respect your decision to keep your baby. You’re a stronger woman than me in that sense.” 

“The time for tears is over. That douchebag doesn’t deserve them. He doesn’t deserve you. You must be strong for you and for your baby, so don’t let anyone else tear you down, do you hear me? No-fucking-one. And if someone tries, they better run, because the two of us will break their damn face. 

That last part really stuck with me. Natalie didn’t take any shit from anyone. I made the decision right then that neither was I from that point forward. No more tears, no more doubts, no more pain. My baby needed more from me. 

Natalie hugged me close for a moment before heading to bed. She turned back and smiled, “There’s one other thing. Did you REALLY think I didn’t know you were pregnant? How dumb do you think I am bitch?”

The two of us laughed for a good five minutes after that. It felt good to laugh again.  


Story created in collaboration with Gymbo 


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