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I'm finally feeling better and testing negative. The worst thing about covid to me is the brain fog. I've had it twice and both times I just couldn't think straight. The first time I had it, last year, I couldn't even paint. 

What was interesting this time was that the brain fog seemed to only affect my ability to read and write and that type of stuff. It took me like 2 hours to write a paragraph. But I could paint just fine. And it kind of felt like the painting side of my brain had free range to do whatever it wanted.

The result was some pretty bizarre paintings.

I'll put most of these in my shop probably sometime this weekend. I want to keep one or two of them just because of how insane they are to me.

The Covid Collection


The Covid Collection


Tia Thistle

Oh wow!!!! These are fantastic!!!! I’m so glad you were able to be creative while you were sick!!! The collection turned out phenomenal!!!!🖤😷