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Welcome to another Sketchbook Saturday where I work in a sketchbook and just kind of free from ramble about whatever and  a little bit of narration about the process.

This is a watercolor sketch of an image that came to me right as I was falling asleep. I did this a few months ago before I got distracted by the famous hard drive incident. I will eventually develop this idea into a painting. But for this session it was all about just getting the basic idea out there.

In this video I talk less about the technique and more about ideas and creativity. I listened to this podcast with James Gurney recently where he talked a lot about the ideas and imagination being more important than the techniques. I’ve also been reading Mastery by Robert Greene which talks about this idea of the "dimensional mind," which is related to what James Gurney was talking about.

Anyways. I hope you enjoy this and have a good weekend my sweeties!

I’m working on the texture lesson for the intro to drawing bad art course. I was hoping to get it out this weekend, but I needed another week on it. I didn’t want to just rush it out.

School is starting so I’m about to have more classes, which is good financially for me but in terms of time…well, let’s just say I’d rather be making videos for the choir. All the more reason to grow the choir so I don’t have to do that!


Watercolor and Imagination, The Deeper reason for art - Sketchbook Saturday August 23


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