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HI!! Continuing the W.O.W month with this audacious film!!

Congrats to the winner!!!

***Movie Spoilers Below****

Hey everyone! Without diving too deep into politics, I'm curious—were any of you around when the JFK assassination happened? It’s such a tragic and intense moment in history, and I can’t even begin to imagine what it must have felt like at the time. The endless speculation and conspiracy theories are fascinating, a mystery that’s never been fully solved. Oliver Stone’s take on it really brings that intrigue to life, crafting a story that leaves you questioning everything. I think I even started questioning myself by the end! It’s wild how this event still captivates us, with so many unanswered questions and layers of mystery that have kept people talking for over 60 years.

Shawn also won in the Movie Posters draw on YouTube! So that's why I was like go buy a lotto ticket but I had to be vague because I didn't want to spoil that in case this came out first! If you guys haven't entered to win a GC for a poster you can submit in the link! I draw once a month!



Wheel of Movie Wonder Spin #18


Bubba Fett

JFK has a ton of quotable moments, I don't know why they would include the "Ich bin ein Berliner" one in the intro. That's ones a hilarious gaffe, he should have said "Ich bin Berliner" including "ein" he basically called himself a doughnut.

Todd Rush

This is one of my favorite movies of all time. It is also just one of the many wrong and conspiratorial takes on this. It is truly fantastic.

Robert Livingood

Well said! And you were far more economical in your words than I was, god knows! Someday, I'll get the hang of brevity.

John Courtright

I thought Oliver Stone did a creditable job of providing evidence of a conspiracy, but whether or not any particular theory turns out to be true, one idea keeps running through my head. Whenever there is a lack of transparency, conspiracy theories abound. I believe far too much information is needlessly classified as secret. I think "We the people" are too often kept in the dark, likely for political reasons rather than for national security reasons. When it comes to sensitive information, rather than asking, "How long can we keep this secret?", I think we should be asking, "How quickly can we release this information to the public?" I think there was some good dialogue in the film. "Mr. Shaw, have you ever been a contract agent for the Central Intelligence Agency?" "And if I were ... do you believe, Mr. Garrison, that I would be here today, talking with somebody like you?" "No. People like you don't have to I guess ... People like you just walk between the raindrops." "May I go?" "Yes." I was mesmerized by Donald Sutherland's narrative and I particularly enjoyed Kevin Costner's closing monologue in the court room scene. Nice reaction Ames and good pick Shawn! I was surprised how quickly the 3+ hours went by!

Hold Down A

Great notes John!! Thanks for ur insight! I am VERY excited to watch some D.Sutherland stuff! I didn’t know he was Canadian! I also just watched an interview with him from a few years back and his eyes light up when talking about acting and the villains he’s played! I am instantly drawn to watching him now!