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And there we have it, the end of our first story with one of our OC's- hope you guys like it! Laurence may be getting rounder and softer in every way, but his legal mind is still sharp as ever.


The phrase "biting off more than he could chew," was springing to Laurence's mind. This case was spiraling out of control; he had dealt with people who had covered their tracks before, but Eugene Fredriksen had clearly been planning for this for a long time. The compound he used for his growth supplement, that Laurence's client was now suing for sabotage and leaving a professional football quarterback with an excess of four hundred extra pounds, had something hard to detect in it. It had to be a secret ingredient, that if he could just find out what it was, could mean cracking the case on Eugene. The fact Eugene's recipe was constructed in such a way as to conceal this mysterious ingredient implied it was most likely illegal, which was exactly what Laurence was counting on. The one problem was a steady sample size- Eugene had delayed handing over a sample, citing several production issues, and Laurence's patience was wearing thin- but that was the only thing about the lawyer that was growing thin.

Ever since he had taken on this trial, Laurence had been gripped by a powerful hunger that had ravaged his once chiseled, impressive musculature, now burying every part of his body under reams of fat- and with no signs of stopping. It was hard to concentrate, the hunger was so heavy, and he found he could barely concentrate unless he had food in his hand. He had a sinking feeling he had gained more than his current client had, but he couldn't be certain- his belly had grown so large, it cut off his view of his scale's read out, and he wasn't in any rush to ask anyone to help with that. He had burned through three sets of clothes, each one more generously sized than the last, and at the equivalent of a custom made, 5XL suit, it was already taut around his belly and doughy chest, straining the buttons, and his tent-sized trousers were ready to burst at the seams to contain his trunk-like thighs and overblown, wide rear.

Laurence was seated at his desk, his belly pressed up against the top and pressing down on the first few inches of the desktop, his rear held up by a chair the size of a loveseat. He wrote a deposition with one hand, trying not to let ketchup drip on it from the burger he had on another.

"Mr. Daniels, your eleven o'clock is here," his secretary announced over the PA.

"Send them in," the dragon grunted between bites.

"Uh… M-mr. Daniels?" a meek voice called, as a lithe lizard poked his head into the draconic lawyer's office.

"Ah! Mr. Frederiksen, thank you for seeing me," Laurence said, tearing another bite out of his burger. "I'm glad we could conduct this meeting without another deposition. And you've… come with no lawyer of your own?" he asked, craning his neck to see if anyone else followed the lizard inside.

Eugene smiled crookedly. "Ah, y-yes, I've uhm, decided to represent myself. I'm here to hand over a suitable sample of my compound." He slid across a plastic bag, carrying a sealed vial of a bright, neon green liquid.

"Perfect," Laurence declared, holding it up to the light. "Odd color… anything you wish to declare about it now before I send it off for testing?" the dragon asked.

The lizard shook his head. "Only that everything I've used in it has been approved by the FDA." Eugene glanced down at the lawyer's enormous scaly belly, a decent amount of it resting on top of his desk. "Would… it be inappropriate for me to treat you to lunch, Mr. Daniels?"

Laurence looked taken aback. "Beg pardon? Mr. Frederiksen, you do remember that I am representing a client that's suing you for sabotage, don't you?"

Eugene spread his hands, averting his eyes from the way Laurence's gut heaved and bounced as he pulled back from the desk. "W-well… I just thought maybe we could, uhm, discuss a possible settlement out of court…"

"Mhm?" Laurence arched his brow.

"And," the scaly chemist continued, "I think, uhm, better in informal settings- keeps me more at ease."

"So long as you understand that one free lunch would be a pathetically small bribe that no decent lawyer would ever entertain," Laurence rumbled, already grabbing his coat.

Eugene's eyes shamelessly locked on the dragon's round, waddling gait, his jiggling thighs and billowing rear bouncing with each step. "Well… that rather depends on the meal."

Eugene chose his restaurant well; Laurence was still a dragon after all, and so a Mongolian barbecue place, with as much meat as he could hold in his tank of a gut, was as good a place as any. The lizard admitted that he didn't even really have a plan anymore; just one day, he wanted to see how far his formula could push a formerly fit person- he wanted to see just how far the gluttony would go, how much that gut could stretch, and how many buttons on his shirt would pop off. His tail was curled an hour in; Laurence did not disappoint.

The dragon's appetite was like something out of a myth. Laurence loomed heavy over his very own horde of pork, beef, chicken, and noodles, his greedy maw wide open as his thick hands shoveled in more and more food. It was a spectacle, watching his cheeks inflate, his teeth tear the meat apart, chins wobble with each gulp, and slowly, his chest rising, his belly pushing further against the table, growing rounder and fuller, like a balloon about to burst. He was so engaged in gorging himself, the dragon didn't notice Eugene slipping a little something extra in his food- a concentrate of his compound. The lizard had to see just how far this would go, his fingers twitching to reach other and rub that enormous belly when Laurence groaned, sloshing his gut to loosen his straining belt- he didn't even flinch when a button from his shirt finally popped off, hitting him on the cheek.

"Urph…" Laurence grunted, wiping his mouth while still eyeing some of the cream cheese wontons that they had ordered. "Sorry, Mr. Fredriksen, you know how it is with old clothes," the dragon offered lamely.

"I-it's fine," Eugene said, a little breathless as he tried to focus on Laurence's eyes.

"I think… I'll take the rest of this to go," Laurence rumbled, waving down a waiter that was slightly intimidated by the lawyer's rampant display of gluttony.

"O-oh! By all means," Eugene waved it off- he had already coated the food left on Laurence's plate. One bite, and he should devour everything he had at home.

Laurence grinned tightly, dimpling his round cheeks. "We didn't actually discuss any form of settlement."

"Well… we could always do this again. I mean-" Eugene cleared his throat. "Y-you're just doing your job, no reason we can't be… civil."

"Mm." Laurence huffed as he pulled himself up, his trunk-sized legs rolling off one another. "I suppose so, but Mr. Fredriksen, next time, I'll just bill it to the office- I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm accepting these meals as a gift."

"N-no, of course not," the lizard said breathlessly, just watching the hundreds of pounds of his handiwork move, wobble, and shake. Laurence's voluptuous sides were bumping into other tables at both sides as he waddled out, Eugene's gaze trailing after him. His plans were rapidly changing- he could get revenge on his school-day bullies any time. He just had to see how much this dragon could grow.

When Eugene arrived at Laurence's office the next day, even his expectations were defied- first of all, the door leading to the lawyer's office was in ruins, the frame buckled at the sides and the battered door itself hanging by a nail- rather hastily, someone had placed a caution sign nearby, but not much else. The sight inside all but took his breath away- whatever the dragon had eaten between their lunch date and this morning, it had to be enough to sate a small army. The dragon was dominating the room- wherever Eugene looked or craned his neck, there was just more fat, more blubber sheathed in red, orange and gold scales, and precious little cloth holding any of it back.

The dragon was rocking back and forth, going between leaning forward to squint at his computer monitor, which, by virtue of his oceanic belly being several feet round, had grown further and further away from him, and leaning back to avoid the tidal wave of scaly lard smothering everything on his desk. "Ah!" He finally glanced up from his work, a thick hand searching for the remains of a breakfast burrito- judging by the wrappers and fast food bags piled up in his trash can, one of at least a dozen. "Mr. Frederiksen, you're early." Laurence grunted, the dragon cautiously and slowly standing so as not to upturn his work station with his gut. The floor trembled as he got closer, his gut reaching the lizard a moment before the rest of him.

"W-well, given that we never actually discussed a settlement out of court, I thought I'd get an early start… if that's alright." Eugene began, eyes following the still-jiggling crest of Laurence's belly. "I, uhm… know a few good places if you're hungry."

"Famished!" the dragon declared with a dimpled grin. "First, if you wouldn't mind, help me with this damn shirt- must've shrunk in the wash." He turned to the side, showing tearing seams and buttons only just able to traverse across the expanse of his enormous belly.

If he were warm-blooded, the color would drain out of Eugene's face. "Ah! S-sure," he squeaked, slowly getting close. He placed a hand against Laurence's immense, overly prosperous side. He couldn't help himself but squeeze, feeling the sheer heft of it all.

Laurence yelped softly. "Mr. Fredriksen, are you alright?"

"S-sorry! Just… uhm… trying to reach…" Eugene leaned into the dragon's belly, surreptitiously caressing the enormous curves as he helped undo that strangled button.

"Actually, since you're here," the dragon continued. "I got the test results back of your sample. We found no traces of any illegal substances, though there are some questionable quantities of chemical compounds usually found in appetite enhancers," he said.

"Oh…" Eugene, leaning into the dragon's fat, was breathless. "You know, it's to help heighten certain… instincts. Endorphins and such…"

"Mhm." With surprising strength for just how soft and round he had become, Laurence suddenly smirked, and hefted the lizard off his feet. He rammed his gut- and Eugene- against the wall, pinning the diminutive reptile against the wall, held in place by an impenetrable wave of fat. "But what's curious is that it was an exact match for the sauce you put on my food during lunch yesterday."

Eugene, overwhelmed and very nearly euphoric to be smothered by such a plush, plump, exquisitely massive belly, was suddenly snapped back to reality, his face whipping up to meet Laurence's round, smirking face. "Th-th-the sauce…!"

"Mr. Fredriksen, trying to bribe an attorney is not looked upon kindly in court… Sabotaging him, however, and spiking his food?" Laurence tutted. "That's not going to look good in the latest deposition at all."

Eugene squirmed, unable to push back against the dragon's sheer, blubbery weight. "W-wait! Mr. Daniels, please, we can talk about this!" He glanced up with desperate hope. "Perhaps over some lunch? My treat."

Laurence chuckled, tremors rolling across his belly as he slapped it. "Oh, I don't see why not, Mr. Fredriksen- but I'm paying. Trust me. You're not going to have much spending money when I'm done with you."




Love how Laurence looks^^


Aw hoping Eugene would win this. :-( Still a lovely read though. <3


Hey, good triumphs over evil! Seems Laurence is acclimating nicely to his new size; hopefully it does him well.


Foiled by his own lust of dragon girth. Hopefully with the legal fees that Laurence has earned from this case will help him hire that stag tailor known for designing clothes for the extremely girthy. I think a size 7XL will fit the bulky dragon just fine unless he spends the money on food and enlarges himself further. All in all, it’s an amazing story and a wonderful first foray in SilverStag’s end on making his dragon OC fat as he can be. It probably won’t be the last time the dragon gets put in that situation lol


more of this character please!!!


I love this dragon. Great big fatty.