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Incineroar's growth has really flared up! He's turning on the heat as he lights up the ring. 

Fire pun.

Anyways, enjoy folks, and thanks as always for your support!


Incineroar was ready to propel himself back to the top with one fell swoop- the pokemon wrestler was going to show everyone that he was the best at what he did, and he was going to do it by making himself bigger, badder, and stronger than anyone who would cross him in the ring- especially puffed-up, asshole drummers. Rillaboom had called him on a bluff, and hoped to knock Incineroar off the popularity charts by defeating him in the ring. The fact Rillaboom was twice Incineroar's size had probably given the ape all the confidence he needed, but the feline wrestler wasn't going to go down quietly. As a fire type pokemon, he had been gorging himself on charcoal to boost his power, and had learned a handy ability in Bulk Up to make himself the most imposing figure in the ring.

The red and black feline had always been powerfully built, but now, he was close to outclassing the bulkiest of machamps. His stripes were warped over hard, powerful muscle that sparked to life with the slightest flex. His arms were like cannons, his chest swelled wider than most people's shoulders, and trunk-like legs held up an immense, wide torso. Incineroar felt like he could take on the world- and when the press conference leading up to the fight started, he strutted on stage with a swagger, bouncing his pecs for his fans and the flash of cameras, sporting a toothy grin as he gave a quick salute to some of the reporters.

"Rilla won't know what hit him! Trust me folks, a musician going against a professional athlete, really?" Incineroar boasted, thumping his bloated chest. "There's only one name in pokemon wrestling, and that name is IncineROAR!" the feline wrestler gave his best leonine roar, pounding his pecs. There was a smattering of applause and cheers from people in the press conference that were definitely fans of his- or people his manager had paid, he couldn't quite remember. But Incineroar's toothy smile slipped as he was suddenly cast under a big shadow, the stage trembling with heavy footfalls.


Incineroar looked over his shoulder, and then up, and gasped- Rillaboom loomed large over him, the simian pokemon more than twice Incineroar's size.

"How-?" Incineroar sputtered, backing away in shock. Rillaboom smirked, the hulking King Kong parody effortlessly pushing his would-be opponent aside and casting him in the background. The red and black wrestler's jaw was left hanging open as he stared up at Rillaboom, the musical gorilla a behemoth bigger than a house. The press conference quickly devolved into him flexing breathtakingly huge arms for the assembled reporters and cameras. Incineroar was left to seethe. By the end of it, Rillaboom smacked Incineroar on the back- hard enough to knock him off his feet.

"Oops- sorry, little guy," the hulking ape smirked. "See you in the ring- or not. Wouldn't blame ya for skipping out."

"Incineroar has never backed down from a fight!" the feline shot up. "You wait, I'll- I'll show you!" He was left on the stage alone, Rillaboom's mocking laugh still echoing with the massive pokemon's tremulous footfalls. Left with his own thoughts, Incineroar made it backstage and was trying desperately not to panic. How had he gotten that big, that fast? He was cheating, he had to be! He would go to the referee, and- wait, no. Incineroar glanced down at his own embiggened form. He was cheating, too. Alright, he thought- he can play ball. He made his way for the arena, and found the maintenance crew setting up his big entrance.

"New plan, guys- ditch the smoke machines. I want flamethrowers- and I want them all pointed at me."

The night of the match, Incineroar made sure his outfit had room to grow- it barely clung to him in baggy lumps of shiny cloth, and he had to hold up his champion's belt, but if all went according to plan with the mix of his Bulk Up action and some well-timed fire, he should be able to knock Rillaboom all the way to the back seats. He grit his teeth as he heard Rillaboom's intro on stage, the stage trembling slightly by the hulking pokemon's entrance. "And now, the Striped Savage, the feline King of the Ring, Incineroar!"

Incineroar bared his fangs in a toothy grin as an electric guitar riff played and the stage lit up with flamethrowers, all pointed at him. Cracking his knuckles, Incineroar leapt into the fire, his body beginning to absorb the heat. Every vein began to pulse with an electric power, Incineroar groaning loud enough to turn into a low growl. His body trembled, toes curling and fingers flexing as he felt the burgeoning growth shoot through his body. His chest trembled and inflated, pecs surging outward like sails under a full wind. His arms bounced higher and higher, biceps swelling bigger than his head, bigger than boulders, and swollen triceps pushing out to meet their size. Incineroar's shoulders blazed, shot with pain holding up those gigantic arms, until his back flared out, lats pushing forward and out, unfurling fields of red and black muscle, and his shoulders rising up like mountains. His stone-like abs pushed forward, bulging out as they were packed with dense muscle. His legs quaked holding up such immense weight until they too fired up, immense, earth-shaking thighs rolling off each other, his glutes pert and round, filling out every inch of his spandex trunks, the chiseled masses of his torso pressing on his champion belt that still clung to his solid core.

Flames licked at every inch of his titanic frame, highlighting the defined swells of his gigantic musculature. He let out an adrenaline-fueled roar that reached the back rows of the stadium, and he got an illicit thrill spotting Rillaboom's jaw drop open. Crouching like the apex predator he was, Incineroar charged for the ring, the ramp buckling under his weight. Coiling those legs like engine pistons, he leapt into the air and hit the ring like a comet, knocking Rillaboom off his feet with the shockwave.

"LEMME HEAR YOU ROAR FOR THE REAL KING OF THE RING!" Incineroar bellowed, pumping his fists in the air, his chest rising up to meet his jaw, his biceps and shoulders forming a sprawling mountain range. He was back on top- and he dared anyone try and knock him down now.




Back on top, and he's looking good!


It went from a wrestling match to what one would see in that Rumble movie, what with the way you were describing their growth in height and weight

Ryan Mayer

The way you draw over the top muscles, I can’t get enough of it! Amazing job as always <3