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Hello, all! It's time for something new. We set a goal for $700, and you guys met it! Thank you all for the support. From here on, every month, Faelan and I will be doing a growth sequence, alternating between muscle growth and weight gain. We're happy to take suggestions from our patrons, and these growth sequences will be open to all patrons. This month, to get the ball rolling, we're going to start with a reimagined Asriel, whose Freshman 15 is going to hit him hard! Enjoy, and thanks for the support!


A Prince, Asriel bitterly thought, could at least get some leeway when it came to college credits. Asriel, the son of the monster king Asgore and his estranged wife Toriel, was now out to prove himself at college, and in most regards, he was a model student so far. He had high marks in history, alchemy, monsterology, and martial arts- his father and the captain of his guard, Undyne, had seen to that last class. Asriel was entering college not only well-learned, but also an impressive specimen of monster. Asgore had said with pride that Asriel was a spitting image of him at his age- powerfully built, with strong, thickly roped arms, broad shoulders, a chiseled chest, and a solid core. His goat-like features had given him a handsome face and a long mane of blond hair, just like his parents. But glancing down at his father’s thick, increasingly round middle, Asriel hoped he wouldn’t resemble his father too much. Even so, he had noticed an increase in his appetite since he got to college, and so he was determined to stay on top of his health.

It would take discipline to carry through his college years, which led Asriel back to the source of his frustration: a home economics course. Out of all the courses the college offered, it was one of only two general credit classes that fit his schedule, and he needed at least one general credit to finish. Home economics was just so far gone from his talents- his mother was the cook in the family. He could write essays, fight, he could brew potions, but anything beyond brewing some tea and heating up a MTT Burger mystified him. He had thought about the other course, herbalism, but that would mean working with flowers- and that would open up a can of worms of bad memories. So, home-ec it was- a glorified cooking course, he bitterly thought. The fact that Ms. Muffet was teaching the course would mean a lot of baking, and little else. Asriel took a deep sigh as he mulled over his options; if he was going to do well in this class, there was only one person that could help him: he reached a phone as quickly as possible, and called a number he knew by heart.

“Hey, mom. It’s Asriel. I need to ask a favor… could I borrow your recipe book?”



Hidalgo Riveria

Oooh intriguing! Looking forward to this/these!


Bet he got plenty of catcalls when they see him strutting by