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This month, two beefcake patrons, Roniyin_Z and Cedric Browning, got to choose some favorites of theirs, Reinhardt and Haida, showing off their stuff! Enjoy, and thanks for your support


Reinhardt would need to have a talk with Moira about the ethicality of her experiments, especially concerning mutations, but for this particular serum, he could not argue with the results. One shot, and the German Crusader was transformed into something more than mere human. His full beard and hair had become a true mane, his now massive body coated in rich fur- apparently, an essence of lion agreed with him. Every part of him was now an even greater bulwark than before- he exuded strength, embodied it in every part of his embiggened physique. His titanic arms rippled with power, triceps billowing out like sails, biceps rising up like hills. Every part of him, from his broadside back, cliff-like chest, and titanic, column-like legs rippled with the slightest flex. He was the ultimate shield now for Overwatch, his armor rendered redundant- because bullets and missiles harmlessly bounced off him; his brick-sized abs alone deflected them, and this new, beastly form made him feel like a young man again. He curled one arm just to see it swell, his arms like cannons surging in size- his bicep alone the size of a lesser crusader’s shield. He grinned toothily; Reinhardt couldn’t wait to test his new limits- if he had any- on the field.


Life had changed for Haida, after packing on a literal ton of muscle. How it had happened was something he was still trying to figure out; he remembered starting out a new gym, trying a new protein shake he had gotten from a slightly over-enthusiastic cat, and then suddenly, he was growing wider, stronger, and bigger with each passing day. The hyena was a verified hulk, now- every part of him was massive, from his tree trunk-sized legs, a chest someone could lose an arm in (not that he hadn’t invited Retsuko to test that), shoulders that formed a mountain range, and arms that could bend steel girders. He was a powerhouse, a gigantic behemoth of muscle- and yet, he was still content to continue his work. Sure, it was hard finding a shirt to envelope a back broad enough to be its own landmass, and with sleeves that could fit over biceps the size of boulders, nevermind finding a tie long enough to traverse his bull-neck, but he was making it work. He could barely fit in his cubicle, and there were still lots of adjustments to be made in his day-to-day routine, but so far, with so much power and strength flowing through him, boosting his confidence, hulk life suited the hyena just fine.




That is such a good anthro form of Reinhardt, and to say nothing of how good Haida looks! Excellent work~.