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Hello all, and thanks again for your support! This month, Pumbaa becomes a real big pig, and Wilford decides to put the "full" in full moon. Hope you enjoy, Bigger Patrons, and see you next month!


The lionesses of Pride Rock leapt from where they slept as the ground shifted and shook beneath them, and soon they began to slide, digging their claws into the ground to keep from falling backwards as Pride Rock tilted up steeper and steeper in the air. 

“Simba!” Nala shouted as the lion king was violently shaken awake. “What’s happening? Is this an earthquake?”

“I don’t know- quick, lead the rest of the lionesses to stable ground, I’m going to the base to see if anyone’s trapped,” Simba called back, as both he and Nala rushed to save the pride. Leaping deftly from stone to stone, Simba came to solid ground. The Serengetti itself wasn’t shaking, leaving Simba to furrow his brow as he watched Pride Rock rise up slightly higher. “What the…?”

The lion carefully moved closer, spotting something pushing the massive cliff further up, and when he got a good look, his eyes widened as his jaw fell open. “Pumbaa?!”

Lifting up all of Pride Rock was, unmistakably, Simba’s old friend- a warthog he would recognize anywhere. But now, Pumbaa looked as big as an elephant. His haunches and lower legs were holding up an impressive amount of weight, corded with thick, trunk-like muscle. He was still well-fed, with a middle that was thick, full, and round, but looked as hard as a boulder. However, the rest of him, especially as he stood on his hind legs, was truly immense. His chest was as big as a canyon, wedging his strong chin between two meaty pecs. His thick bull-neck struggled with mountainous shoulders that showed the sheer width of a sprawling, leathery back with geographical mass nearly impressive as the mountain he was lifting, and his arms surged with powerful muscle, a bicep as big as Simba himself surging as he held Pride Rock aloft, his free arm scooping up a few succulent bugs scuttling around his feet.

The warthog smiled good naturedly, waving at the thunderstruck lion. “Hey, Simba! Ya want any? The bugs here are the cream-filled kind, I think!”


Something was decidedly different about this Harvest Moon. For as long as Wilford Wolf was aware of his lycanthropy, he had started to really look forward to his monthly transformations- and his dates with Minerva Mink. At the sight of any full moon, the formerly geeky wolf turned into a stud with flowing hair and the build of a champion bodybuilder, but as he lumbered forward after his latest transformation, he felt considerably heftier- soft, wide, porcine- obese, even. He felt the sheer weight of a body that was much bigger than it usually was, and for whatever reason, it was undeniably fat, flabby and wobbling with each slow, ponderous step he took.

However, the feeling was growing on him, his confidence still high. After setting up the romantic picnic he promised, he sprawled out on the grass as he waited for Minerva, no doubt leaving a sizable indent. He propped up a sagging, pillowy chest as soft as marshmallow fluff as he laid on his side, his belly and hips looking larger and more spherical than the moon casting light on his voluptuous sides and love handles. His handsome features were softened and rounded out by billowing cheeks and multiple chins, dimpled by his charming smile. His long, flowing hair was draped over rounded shoulders, falling against thick, muscular arms now swaddled in fat. His chunky thunder thighs lie against one another, legs nearly as wide as they were round, his overly thick, pert rear nearly splitting what remained of his pants. He felt rather grand at this size- still the biggest wolf around, but now he was relaxed, and ready for a good cuddle. Minerva might be shocked, but he was certain once she laid against his decadently soft belly, she would melt in his arms all over again. A good thing, too- if she didn’t hurry over soon, he was going to be tempted to eat the entire picnic. Ah, well. If all else failed, he did know of a charming buffet nearby that could prove for a good date...



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