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For our second pic of Reboot Month, the latest incarnation of Leonardo is really showing off the TMNT's love for pizza! This one was written by Conner this time around, as I got a little too swamped with my latest job this month. Enjoy!



As the secret portal to the Run of the Mill pizzeria swirled upon, Donatello’s skepticism continued. “I’m still wary of anything Leo considers ‘good news’. I think we can all agree he tends to set the bar astronomically low…”

Raphael rested a large hand on Donnie’s shoulder, looking about for the brother they were supposed to be meeting. “Hey, it doesn’t hurt to be supportive, right?”

“I disagree,” Donnie grouched. “Supporting Leo can, statistically, hurt a lot.”

“Well, statistically,” Mikey interjected, “free pizza is awesome, and any news related with free pizza must be just as awesome!”

Donnie sighed. Mikey was right, for once. “Be that as it may, I think the caveat for free pizza was that Leo actually had to be here, so unless he’s hiding in the kitchen --”

At that moment, the swinging doors to the kitchen were shoved open as Leonardo made his grand entrance. “Never fear, Leo is here! Ah, there’s my three favorite brothers…!”

Three jaws dropped in unison as Donnie, Mikey, and Raphael watched their sibling saunter toward them. Leo’s lean frame had been replaced, nay, buried under several extra hundred pounds of reptilian flab. Hips almost as wide as he was tall swayed and shook as he made his way forward, bumping into tables, chairs, and any yokai customer unfortunate enough to be using either. His once-lean legs now fought for space with each other under a belly that bowed outward and drooped down under its own weight, bouncing with each tremorous step. With his stomach as large as it was, his belt had slid upward, tucking itself under his softened chest and under arms that had to be thicker around than Raphael’s. Topping the mass of green, Leo’s head had been swaddled by round cheeks and a thick chin that still couldn’t hide his characteristic grin.

“Leo?” Raph had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn’t seeing double. “W-what…”

Leonardo simply smiled, leaning his considerable bulk against a nearby counter and swiping a slice of gooey pizza to chew on. “I got a job as a pizza topping taste-tester! Boys, you are looking at the Run of the Mill’s newest and luckiest employee.”

Raph’s frown deepened. “We’re lookin’ at something alright. A lot of something…”

Donnie dropped his goggles over his eyes, analyzing his brother’s alarming BMI from multiple angles. “Fascinating! You weren’t this immense a week ago. Maybe it’s some kind of yokai ingredients, reacting negatively to your lipoids.”

Leo turned his head, still chewing. “What’re you guys trying to say?”

Mikey pushed Donnie aside. “This looks like a job for Dr. Delicate Touch.” Pressing his hands together, Mikey stood in front of his oversized brother and took a deep breath. “Y’ALL GOT FAT, YO!”

Leon scoffed, slurping up the crust. “So I put on a few pounds. Bound to happen when the new chef wants me to try every new flavor combination, right? And hey, get this; he’s told me that if I keep this up, he’ll name his newest topping ingredient after me!”

Raphael fought between supporting Leo’s new job and expressing his severe concern over his brother’s size. “Yyyyyeah, that’s great buddy, but, uh… who’s this new chef, anyhow?”

“Oh, didn’t I mention? Meat Sweats. Said he wanted to turn over a new leaf, become a productive member of society, stop being a mutant cannibal, blah blah blah.”

Three hands slapped three foreheads in unison. Free pizza would have to wait.



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