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A/N: Need to polish up the next chapter of Secret Society. It's pretty dialogue heavy, so I want to get it right. And almost done with the next chapter of Harry's Needs, so you ridiculous smut lovers will also be happy :)

Winner: Harry/Narcissa [House Black's Restoration Ch.5] - Hermione delivers the wizarding world's MILF to Harry’s lap... literally. He doesn't protest, and neither does the sex-starved Narcissa Malfoy.

Vote Tally:

1. Taking Two Queens (Harry Potter/Game of Thrones) Ch.2 - 151 votes

2. Harry/Luna/Hermione - 101 votes

3. Harry/Cho - 72 votes

4. Luna/Ginny/Harry - 35 votes

5. Harry/Narcissa [House Black's Restoration Ch.5] - 201 votes

6. Harry/Ginny/Hermione - 65 votes

7. Harry/Luna - 53 votes

8. Harry/Delphini - 46 votes



Thanks for the update! I can't wait for the next chapter of Secret Society!

Rann Organa

Well, it was the result I was expecting if not hoping for.

Rann Organa

I was rooting for Taking Two Queens, I was just being realistic that it was more likely that House Black's Restoration was going to win unless there was a last minute surge for Taking Two Queens.

Kevin Thunder

Well, I'm certainly glad Taking Two Queens put up a good showing. My champion made a good run. It may have started off lopsided but it narrowed the gap. I hope it appears again in future polls. Based off this, it may win in the close future. Thanks for giving it a chance.

Kevin Thunder

I too figured Narcissa would win, although, of course, I wish my pick had won. Harry banging Draco's mother is hugely popular, haha. Plus, she does make make a ton of sense in a fic about restoring the House of Black (Harry sure does have quite the collection of blondes). I'm just glad it was somewhat, sorta close. It was a clear #2. It performed solidly. Honestly, it makes me glad to see that there are other Taking Two Queens fans out there. That fic has a ton of potential.


Taking Two Queens was slightly more favored with the VIP tier. But nowhere close enough to make a difference. I'll have it on the next poll so it'll get another chance.

Kevin Thunder

It wasn't close per se, but it didnt embarass itself either. It was a solid number 2, as opposed to just barely being runner-up. There was a clear difference between it and the Lunar Harmony fic, which I also voted for. It went up against the House Black/Narcissa juggernaut. I wish it had more votes but am happy with its showing.