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Read Chapter 2 here

A/N: Poll Winner. This is smutastic, smutty, smutfic of hentai levels. You've been warned. Also, this will be the final chapter of the fic, so no further requests will be taken of it.

Summary: Sakura had been living in Naruto’s place more than hers. Ino often asked Sakura why she was never home, and the answer was simple. Her home didn’t have Naruto’s bitch breaker that she was now thoroughly addicted to.

Naruto was living his best life. He was on track to be Hokage. There was no longer any need to put his life on the line every other day, and most importantly.


Sakura Haruno was now his live-in slut. Not that she ever said that out loud, but actions always spoke louder than words.


Naruto moaned when Sakura's throat clenched around his cock from her harsh gagging. It wasn't what he wanted from her this morning, but it was almost as good since her ass wasn't available.

In her own words, "No, you idiot! I can still feel a phantom version of your cock splitting my ass open! And I have to work today!"

Naruto, being the considerate future Hokage that he was, graciously accepted Sakura's suggestion of the use of her mouth. Her skill as a medical ninja came to great use, but more than that, the legacy from Tsunade helped even more. Sakura affectionately called his cock a bitch breaker, and it would have genuinely broken her if she didn't have all the unique skills she had learned over the years.

"That's it, Sakura-chan," Naruto sighed as he ran his hand over her pink hair, "Suck my cock."

With his stubborn refusal to touch Sakura's pussy, she realized the only way her poor ass would be spared the thrice daily wrecking was to use another way to get Naruto off. She tried to work his cock with her hands, but he stopped himself from releasing due to sheer willpower, which she knew he had an endless amount of. Thus, in came her mouth to the rescue.

People often asked Sakura why she sounded so hoarse all the time. If she didn't have a filter, she would say her throat had been heavily used by a cock, so her ass would get a break. Not exactly something that could be expressed in a normal conversation. Though it seemed that Ino was catching on to what was happening.

Sakura always knew that Ino-pig was a massive slut.


"Ah! Fuck!" Naruto pushed his hips up, trying to get his cock deeper into Sakura's mouth even though her lips were circling the base of his shaft. He locked his fingers together on the back of her head to keep his cock sheathed in her throat as he felt the cum churning in his balls, letting him know it would soon be inside Sakura's stomach.

As for Sakura, who had truly taken over her master's Legendary Sucker title for herself, she moaned like the slut she was for Naruto's cock and swallowed around his pulsing shaft. It was almost like she could feel his frantic heartbeat through the cock sheathed in her throat, and all it did was make her neglected pussy drip in arousal.

"Swallow it, Sakura-chan!" Naruto kept her lips at the base of his thick cock as he made tiny, involuntary thrusts into her packed mouth and emptied his balls into her stomach. No matter how often Sakura drained his balls, he didn't think he would ever get tired of it.

No, that was a ridiculous thought. Naruto knew he wouldn't get tired of it. Looking into the beautiful green eyes of his childhood crush as he fed her his cum, holding her head down until his cum exploded out of her nose or simply spraying it onto her flawless face. All were things he could do repeatedly for a lifetime.

It was even better knowing that the formerly-hopeless crush was now returned. Naruto might be stupid, but he wasn't that oblivious. It was hard to be when he fucked Sakura in the ass so hard that she literally forgot about Sasuke's name.

Good thing, too, since his best friend was busy trying to repopulate the Uchiha Clan with Karin. Naruto was happy and extremely willing to fuck Sakura into loving him.


Naruto shuddered as the last few shots of cum went down Sakura's throat, ignoring the light slaps she was giving his thigh. They had come up with a nonverbal code when Naruto had to let go of her, and this was only the first level. When Sakura left a sting with her slap, that was when he had to free her airway of his thick cock.

Naruto gave a few more thrusts into her mouth before finally unlocking his fingers behind her head, allowing Sakura to pull off his cock. Though her face was more red than the usual pale at this point, Sakura hollowed her cheeks to suck out the remaining cum while also cleaning his shaft on the way up.


Sakura swallowed the cum in her mouth before shuddering while closing her eyes, trying to feel the warmth in her stomach.


"Naruto!" Sakura squealed as her eyes snapped open, though it was more of a rasp from the throatfucking she experienced, "I told you to leave my ass alone!"

"Sorry, Sakura-chan," Naruto chuckled sheepishly, though he didn't stop groping her jutting asscheeks. It was already a miracle he avoided touching them where they were presented so beautifully, with Sakura lying on her front, her legs bent and waving in the air as she sucked him off.

"Seriously," Sakura shuffled away from Naruto's cock and pushed herself up, revealing her breasts, hiding the smile that threatened to escape when she saw his eyes locking onto them. Naruto always did make her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

If only he truly fucked her the right way and made them official. Sakura had tried multiple times, but he refused to take her pussy. She was starting to think that the blockhead truly saw her just as his personal buttslut.

It wasn't something Sakura was against. In fact, she was happy to have him so stupidly eager to bend her over and take her in the ass. Still, if she didn't have Naruto's cock in her pussy soon, she might lose her mind… and have her heart broken.

After getting out of bed, Sakura looked away from Naruto's naked form to stop the urge to crawl back into bed and nurse his cock back to life. She cleared her throat and said, "I probably won't be back for a few days."

That got Naruto's attention, making him pause his appreciation of Sakura's body. "I already told you it won't be necessary to stay at your place. I need you here, Sakura-chan."

Sakura shivered at the low growl she heard behind that demand, but she had to stay strong. Now wasn't the time to be meek and get on her knees for him like the many times he had growled similarly in the past.

This would be her last ditch attempt. If this didn't work, then Sakura would have to assume she would never be anything more than a convenient sheath for Naruto's cock. Once again, she would accept it, but it would be done so reluctantly.

"Can't," Sakura replied like she couldn't care for Naruto's wants, "Ino's been asking me why I'm never home. What am I supposed to say? You know how my parents would feel if they knew about you."

"And what if they did? What's so bad about me?"

Sakura heard Naruto get off the bed but refused to look back. She calmly slipped on some fresh clothes before looking at herself in the mirror.

"What do you think I'm supposed to say about you, Naruto? That you're a friend I live with? We aren't kids anymore!"

Naruto smirked at her exasperated tone and said, "So you're punishing me for not being interested in you."

"Not interested?" As she went to the bathroom, Sakura scoffed, "I can feel your eyes staring a hole through my clothes."

"So what? It's your ass I'm interested in, Sakura-chan."

"Fine!" Sakura yelled back, actually getting angry at the blockhead, "Then I'm sure you won't mind if Ino-pig sets me up on that date she keeps pushing on me! She did say I would love who she picked. Maybe it’s Sasuke-kun!”

Naruto wanted to roll his eyes at her attempt to get him jealous. He knew precisely where Sasuke was right now, and that horny bastard was probably balls deep inside Karin.

Keyword was wanted to. Because the jealousy rose to a roaring fire inside Naruto.

It had been nearly two months since he fucked Sakura's ass so hard that she forgot that Sasuke was ever a romantic interest. Naruto had been enjoying being the sole focus of Sakura Haruno, and he wasn't about to allow a chance of that changing.

Maybe he had teased Sakura for too long about not touching her pussy. It wasn't really his fault. She always had the best reactions whenever he denied her and fucked with an intensity that made him blow his load within a few minutes.

Naruto slammed open the door to his bathroom to see Sakura cleaning her face to get rid of any traces of what they had been up to. It was a normal action since she was about to leave. Still, it infuriated him to think she was erasing the evidence.

"You aren't going anywhere," Naruto growled as he stalked toward Sakura.

"Don't think you can convince me, Naruto," Sakura rolled her eyes as she wiped her face with a towel, though she did take peeks at his beautiful cock swinging freely. She could feel her pussy aching, begging to have that cock splitting it open. If only the idiot didn't refuse to do so. She knew it could likely be solved by admitting she wanted to date him, but Naruto wasn't the only one that was stubborn.

Why should she be the one to make a move? Did she not do enough by being the obedient anal slut that Naruto asked her to be? Didn't she do enough by learning to take his fat cock deep into her throat until her nose was pressed into his blonde pubes? No, she wouldn't be the one to make a move, even if it meant it would never happen.

"You said Sasuke's name?" Naruto was now right behind Sakura, making it hard for her to ignore the monster cock poking into her jutting ass. If he wanted to, a simple yank to pull her panties to the side would reveal the hole that he made his personal playground.

"So what?" Sakura asked with a quiver, "He's our old teammate."

"He is, but his name shouldn't be leaving your lips," Naruto grabbed Sakura's tiny waist and ground his cock into her ass.

"Y-You can't control what I say, Naruto," Sakura moaned as she abandoned the futility of cleaning her face and held onto the counter for support.

"If you want to make this thing we're doing exclusive, you better," Naruto growled as he thrust his hips, hooking his cock inside Sakura's tight panties and wedging it into her asscheeks, revealing to Naruto's eyes everything he loved about them. The firmness, the way it jutted out, how fucking fat it was.

"What?!" Sakura gasped before forcefully turning around to stare into Naruto's eyes, "You mean…."

"I can't stop myself anymore either," Naruto admitted as his cock leaked precum onto Sakura's flat midriff. However, that was ignored by both of them. He kicked himself for not saying this sooner when the most stunning smile appeared on Sakura's pink lips, making Naruto lose his train of thought for a second before he found himself with an armful of his new pink-haired girlfriend.

"Finally!" Sakura laughed before she kissed Naruto with a moan, taking his tongue into her mouth and sucking on it just like she did with his cock. She pulled away with a gasp and said, "I thought you actually looked at me like I was a fucktoy, you idiot!"

"Well, you are," Naruto chuckled when Sakura's face twisted into anger before he continued, "But now you're also my girlfriend."

Sakura grinned again before realizing a very angry cock was poking at her from below. Her grin slowly fell as she realized it would soon be inside her untouched, aching pussy.

"That's right," Naruto nodded when Sakura started to roll her hips on his leaking cockhead, "I'm going to take your pussy today, so forget about leaving my apartment."


Sakura gasped when Naruto left a red handprint on her ass, except this time, she didn't bother to scold him for touching her there. She had done that before, mostly to avoid the inevitable anal gaping she would have to experience when Naruto focused on her ass for too long. This time, she would ensure it wasn't a problem to worry about.

Naruto moaned into Sakura's soft lips as he carried her back into the bedroom before throwing her on the bed, making her giggle as she bounced on the mattress.

"Naruto," Sakura gasped, "You-Your cock!"

Naruto knew precisely what Sakura was talking about. His precum was already on the excessive side, but the thought of finally taking her pussy made him leak like a faucet. He climbed onto the bed and walked on his knees to Sakura, grabbing her ankles before pushing her legs up. He expected to see her tight pussy, but had forgotten that she had put her panties back on.

With an impatient growl, Naruto tore them off like it was floss, making Sakura yelp at the sharp sting of them being ripped away. "So fucking wet for me," Naruto grinned as he pressed his cockhead to her tightly sealed lips.

Sakura shuddered at feeling the size of his cockhead against her pussy. It wasn't the first time she had felt it like this, but it was the first time she knew it would soon ruin her pussy for anyone other than Naruto. She should be scared about what his massive cock could do to her tight pussy, but after taking that monster up her ass hundreds of times in the past month alone, this would be nothing.

"NARUTO!" Sakura screamed when his cock entered her pussy without warning. Her belief that she could easily take him was instantly broken, and only the tip of his cock was inside her pussy. She could see the massive length of the shaft that she knew would be pounded inside. Her pussy clenched around Naruto's cock as Sakura released a keeling wail through her closed lips.

"Fuck, Sakura-chan!" Naruto twitched, feeling her pussy refuse to let him deeper, "Already cumming around me like the slut you are!"

"S-Shut up and keep fucking me, idiot!"

Naruto didn't see a reason to deny Sakura and made a small thrust into her.


Naruto grunted as he pulled back slightly before pushing back in, getting a few more inches of his shaft into her tight pussy before it was stopped. He ignored Sakura's screams of pleasure and started to fuck her with the goal of cramming every bit of his monster cock into her pussy, wanting to claim it just like he did her ass.


With a loud smack, Naruto's large, cum-filled balls hit Sakura's jutting ass. He looked down between their bodies and grinned when he saw the familiar cock-shaped outline in Sakura's usually flat stomach. It was a common sight when he was sheathed inside her ass, and it was even more pronounced inside her pussy.

Sakura was panting, her pink hair sticking to her face from having to take Naruto's fat cock inside her pussy. She yelped when the blonde pushed her legs toward her face, but it didn't come as a surprise since she was familiar with this position, only in a different way.

Usually, Naruto was behind her, with her cock deep in her guts, and holding her in a full nelson as he bounced her body on his massive cock like she was his personal toy. It was impersonal, brutal, and most of all, Sakura loved it.

But she thought this position might be even better. Naruto was still bending her body in a way that would break a regular woman, but she was a kunoichi, so this was nothing, really. With her ankles next to her head and her breasts framed by her knees, Sakura looked up at Naruto on top of her like he was the answer to everything.


Naruto swallowed Sakura's moan when he made a punishing thrust into her pussy, pulling out till only the tip of his cock was in her cunt and pounding in until his balls smacked off her jutting asscheeks. His eyes rolled into the back of his head at the tightness of her pussy. While her ass was even tighter, especially with her medical jutsu allowing it to recover to perfection like it hadn't been gaped repeatedly, there was something special about being inside her pussy.

He pushed his tongue into Sakura's mouth and rolled it around her mouth as he started to pound into her pussy like a machine. Her juices were practically spraying out and splashing against his thighs with every thrust as she lost control and repeatedly orgasm around his thrusting cock.

Having Naruto fuck her in the pussy was everything Sakura deemed and more. She had been terrified that he had turned her into an anal slut that couldn't be satisfied by regular sex, but never was she so glad to be proven wrong. Now that they were dating, she was resolved to make a demand that Naruto fuck her in the pussy at least one time for every two he took her in the ass.

She had no aspirations of making it more than that with how rabid the idiot was about her ass. He couldn't even keep his hands away from it for a few minutes when he was beside her. Getting her tiny wish would be considered a win.

But before she could make any more devious plans to have Naruto fuck her ass in a lesser amount, it felt like lighting ran through her body.

Sakura's tongue stiffened against Naruto's as her whole body tensed. Her green eyes trembled as they rolled back into her head as Naruto's cock repeatedly slammed into her g-spot, making her lose her mind and see white.


Naruto grunted into Sakura's mouth as he swallowed her scream. Her pussy spasmed around his cock like it was trying to massage his cum out of his balls, and she succeeded.

He pulled away from Sakura's lips with a sloppy slurp and said in a strained voice, "I'm cumming!"

But he could barely hear himself over Sakura's screams as he pounded himself to completion. With one last titanic thrust into her tight cunt, Naruto roared as he blasted his load deep into her womb.

"FUCK, SAKURA-CHAN!" Naruto kept his cot sheathed, with his balls cushioned on her soft asscheeks, "TAKE MY CUM!"

Sakura wheezed as she felt Naruto's cock get larger inside her, and his cum warmed the depths of her pussy. She threw her head back into the pillow and let him pound away at her body, not that she had much say with the mating press Naruto currently had her in.

"Naruto!" Sakura whimpered as she weakly put her hands on her stomach, shuddering in pleasure when she felt the massive cock reshaping her pussy while drowning it in cum at the same time.

By the time Naruto was done emptying his balls into her, Sakura was almost delirious, moaning softly as her cheek rested on her ankle. Her pussy was beyond stuffed with his cum that when he pulled his cock out, she frowned at feeling her hard-earned reward flow out, ruining the sheets, not that it wasn't a common thing on this bed.

"That was great, Sakura-chan!" Naruto praised as he let her ankles go, her legs finally freed to lay flat on the mattress, "I can't believe I hadn't done that because I wanted to tease you!"

Sakura sniffed with displeasure until Naruto pulled her tired body into his as he lay beside her. She treasured soft moments like this when she could since she had no idea when the idiot would get randy again and decide to make an imprint of her ass on his mattress.

It had happened multiple times before, and she expected it to happen again.

Sakura nuzzled her face into Naruto's neck and smiled.

Until then, this was nice.


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