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Many years ago, in a mysterious forest, lived a young girl named Raven.

She lived with her mother, Agnes, a skilled witch who was feared by everyone in that place. Agnes was part of a small group of witches who lived in the forest, dedicating themselves to the study of magic.

Raven, was different and preferred to spend her time alone in the forest, dancing and feeling the presence of some mysterious force in her instrument.

Agnes was aware of her daughter's behavior, and it deeply worried her. She feared that Ravena could be possessed, far from the protection of the other witches. So Agnes decided to take a drastic measure.

One night, Agnes began to cast a powerful spell to keep Raven away from the forest and her instrument. She wanted to ensure her daughter's safety and believed this was the only way to do it. However, something went terribly wrong during the ritual.

As Agnes recited the magical words, a dark energy seized the surroundings. The spell spiraled out of control, and Raven's soul was ripped from her body, and before Agnes could reverse the magic, her daughter's soul disappeared into an unknown abyss.

The news of the tragedy quickly reached the ears of Aragon, the most experienced witch in the group. And upon realizing what had happened, an expression of despair overtook his face.

He knew the situation was dire, and that only a joint effort of the witches could bring Ravena's soul back. Without wasting any time, Aragon summoned the other witches of the forest.

Together, they transported Raven's body to the mystical chamber where they would initiate a complex ritual to reunite Raven's soul with her body.

But until the spell is completed, Raven will remain trapped in an unknown underworld.

After waking up in an empty room, Ravena tries to understand where she is, but immediately a mysterious force pulls her and paralyzes her movements!

Raven's soul was sent to the tickling underworld, and until Aragon can reverse the spell, she is destined for long, endless tickling sessions!



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