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As Swell Tales nears the end of its development life cycle, I've decided it's time to open it up to the whole patreon so I can test the hardware's capability and see how everything scales before we go public. The password to access it for July is: cowbell. And of course you can access the site itself at swelltales.com.

For those of you not in the loop, here is a quick rundown of the primary features available:

Story upload (PDF or docx) with full metadata and tags
In-Browser reading on both desktop and mobile
Full CYOA support (choose your own adventure). More to come in another post.
Contests and voting (there's a contest going on right now! Jump in!)
Contest awards
User awards/achievements
Serialized story support
Effective searching
Commenting and rating
Customizable dashboard
Favorite/Save stories for later
Follow authors
Tag suggestion

I encourage everyone to jump in and contribute! There is also a discord channel you should have access to specifically for feedback.



Oh not going to lie, that's faster than I expected A quick glance shows that it's a pretty good site, a much needed overflowing bra 2.0, I'll have to check it out in detail later though

Andrew Sanchez

The site is really cool, this is really gonna benefit the whole community. I might even add a story to it one day


Just started browsing the site, really like curve creater.