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This is a BIG feature. Took most of the month to get through it, but we made it! Please welcome Choose Your Own Adventure! With this, we now support the ability to upload a specific type of story that features branching decisions the reader can choose. You'll find a button to create a new story as a CYOA with a revised tale form to add any number of choices for the reader. From there, you or other users can fill in the story tree. Users are able to 'reserve' unwritten story branches so they can feel safe another user won't snag it before they have a chance to upload. Currently reservations have a 2 week lifespan with a 5 day cooldown before they can reserve it again if it expires.

Don't want people to touch your CYOA? Not to worry! You're able to make it private! That means only you and users you invite are able to contribute to the story tree.

And last but not least...perhaps the feature I'm most proud of out of this entire site...THE CYOA VISUAL TREE. This fancy pants code generates a visual representation of any CYOA on the fly, complete with color coding and the ability to click on any node for more information. It makes adding onto stories quick and easy.

There have been a number of other small changes and updates this month, but this was where the bulk of my energy went. And of course, what use would it be if I didn't include a CYOA story for you to play with? I've written a great base to a story that could be taken in a lot of directions. I encourage people to read and explore it, as well as add their own additions! Or better yet, start your own CYOAs!



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