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More cheerleaders and a surprising twist to the sleep aid story! Also, we've reached the end of an era! Unintended Influence has come to a close after 2 years. Enjoy!

Cheer-Full Part 4: water-based BE

Birthday Blunder: BE, AE, shrinking

Unintended Influence: finale, slight BE


Jonathan Veil

Nooo! I'm not ready for Unintended Influence to end! It's been such a great journey up this point. Honestly, some of the most enjoyable characters and romance I've seen in a BE story in a long time. Can't wait to read it a second and third time!


I'm really glad that Unintended Influence turned out how it did. It definitely didn't always line up with my tastes, (the bit with their parents, particularly) but I especially enjoyed the dynamic once Randy discovered his powers, and Shelly talking him down.


While you might understandably be looking for a change of pace, I must admit, I hope it's not too long before the next time you write a relationship that has wholesome romance alongside the kinky sex.