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Hey everyone! I just wanted to drop a quick update here before things got too away from me. I'm still wrangling my computer back into function, but after some nonsense garbage , I was able to get my scanner running! Hooray!

I have reinstalled Clip Studio and it is back to its zero state, which is frustrating. So many settings and functions and shortcuts get built up over the years to make digital drawing fast and efficient. Trying to jump back in at zero is kind of like trying to compose a sonata with an out of tune piano. Except also your tuning forks got thrown into the ocean. And the manual reminding you how to tune the piano is poorly translated from Japanese. 

So this kind of left me at a crossroads. I could either knuckle under for days and days and days and incur a lot of delay to get my workspace set up again properly... or I could make peace with the fact that digital drawing won't be back for awhile and revert back to something I know (drawing with a pen).

I decided I didn't want to leave you all hanging. All of my big projects are digital now so my drawings are going to be a bit random, but THERE WILL BE DRAWINGS. 

Here's another right now!

(Solidarity with strikers always, but strange that I have become so numb to shortages...)

Next a programming note:

Being away helped me clarify a lot about social media in my head. It's been a bit over a year since the twitter takeover and things feel a lot more settled now. So:

Patreon: Still my #1. Everything goes here first and more. I want to continue to build and refine what I've got here, and a lot of that will be focused on the development of Skuttleboat Cove. Patreon itself has added/is adding some new features and settings and I'm going to try to explore those more.  

Tumblr: Will become my #1 place for art. Wow! I know right? That's a... choice! But actually, I feel like Tumblr is the most aligned with what I want Skuttleboat Cove to be. I'm going to work on being more diligent about posting art there.

Mastodon: Let me entertain you. I will post jokes and shitposts and interesting links. Way less personal, except for all the foster cat stuff. 

Blusky: I am here to talk to other artist friends. Only infrequently will I post art, I'm more likely to talk about the weather, compliment someone's dog and swap links to brushpacks. It's basically the passive "what I'm up to, generally" that I want to tell my internet friends about. If that kind of natter interests you, I do have some invite codes available :)

Twitch: Wow, guess what else got completely nuked with my computer. All my OBS settings ha ha ha. I still want to stream more but that's going to take me a minute to reconfigure.

Instagram: Portfolio of sorts. I will only post art there if I feel like it will work well for Instagram and I'll be honest... most of what I do is not. It's become clear that Instagram is only worth it if you want to play The Instagram Game, and that isn't going to work for Skuttleboat Cove. But it might work for something else... (stay tuned)

Twitter: basically dead. I'm only going to go on here to promo something massive.

Okay... I think that's most of what's active. Anything that's not listed here I'm more or less not going to use. If you have any questions or if you feel like there's a gap in something that you'd want from me, let me know.

Finally for this update, I have a new rascal, and I am calling her ChoCho :) 

She is an elder surrender who right now is having a hard time eating :( poor thing



Thor Wilbanks

Oog. All the infrastructure rebuilding. Oof. On the other hand: Kitteh! Our boy (of twenty years, ending a decade ago) adored our Ikea loft bed. I'd suggest temping ChoCho with perfectly ripe cantaloupe, but it's not really that time of year. Thanks for the update!

Thor Wilbanks

Hooray, Chat! Boo, mobile-app-only chat. You kids have fun and don't stay up too late.


Yeah, app only is a drag for me also 😩 thank you for the feedback 👍


Yeah, I don't run third-party apps on my phone, and I'm not keen on email links loaded up with whatever personal tracking stuff, so I filed your app email. Thanks anyhow.


No worries I'm kind of the same way so this helps me to know. So that new chat sent you an email? (Patreon is not great at providing us with what to expect of certain features sometimes 😅)


I was sent an email by Pateron to do with the chat, contining some dodgy links, yes!