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Hi everyone, I'm back!!! I had an amazing time on my travels and many tales to tell, but for now I will just summarize it with my One Good Thing spread. Kinda funny that the bottom right of both this and South Africa ended up being a pretzel? They were pretty different pretzels though.

(Pandan croissant pretzel from a bakery in Melbourne)

The last week I've just been trying to get myself back to being a Functional Employee. Between the jet lag and the just-having-moved and the trying to catch up to what had happened and my work computer having been reformatted... it was a bit much.

But!! I persevered. I managed to get the unpacking of my studio down to this state:

And then I was like "oh you know, to get the rest of this out I really need a few missing furniture pieces in particular" so I--


I'm in Flat Pack land now... which is dreadfully boring but that's how it is.

Yesterday I thought "even if the studio is a disaster I still need to set up my Cintiq and get back to work!!" So I fired up the ol' desktop that DEFINITELY was working fine just before I left and....

...dead. My 1TB Windows SSD spontaneously died. Here I thought I was so responsible turning it all off and leaving it unplugged while I was gone so it wouldn't have a risk of a short. Oh well. I just plonked down for another SSD and the good friends at the computer store are reinstalling Windows.

So soon I can begin again the process of slowly configuring 3000 brush settings I barely remember. Didn't this just happen last year? (It did).

A bit of annoying bad luck! But I am okay and this all is well within my capacity 💪 I just wanted to let you all know where I was at.

I actually feel really excited to (eventually) get back to what I was doing, creatively. My brain desperately needed that reset time and with a bit of distance a few things about my structure going forward gently slid into place. When I started to review the state of my channels, I was super proud of all the infrastructure I've built to make it happen!

Building a completely new foundation for one's life is incredibly slow and painful and often boring/not exciting to watch. I'm so grateful to all of you here who are willing to hold space for me while I fumble a bit and figure out how all this (metaphorical) flat pack fits together.

I have three big pillars going forward: Skuttleboat Cove (the solarpunk crone romcom), Flitzybon (some cute stickers and more streaming) and technical comics (commissions). They will start to separate out a bit and I think that will help them all grow stronger :)

Thanks so much for sticking with me everyone 💜 AMA about New Zealand, Melbourne (3 days), Singapore (3 days) or Seoul (1 day)




The one-good-thing scan is a little small to see what each image is, but I see some good birds and beautiful scenery! What was your favourite bird and/or critter you saw? Which place would be your top recommendation? I'm glad the time away was good for you, and sorry you got welcomed home with a dead computer. Hopefully you had backups for all the important stuff!


Sorry about that, it was a quick photo, I'll try to get a higher res up soon! I loved all the birds and by the end of the trip I could call out so many by name! I ended up becoming so enchanted by the Oystercatcher and its weird red eyes lol but being able to see a Takehe in a sanctuary (only 400 living at the moment) was a real treat. Of course seeing an Echidna was my entire reason for going to Melbourne and that experience was really special. I got to feed them bug goo and see their weird little tongues and I was so happy I cried ;__; they are even cuter in real life. I had a lot of fun in Rotorua. It is a well known tourist hot spot but I hadn't heard much about it before I started my research. Some people don't like it but I find thermal vents to be incredibly interesting :)