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Hi everyone, the time is here!! I'd love to draw some things for you :) Up top is Mordecai from Lackadaisy and if you haven't seen the pilot yet, I mean... just drop what you're doing and go it's gotta be better than 90% of the things you were planning on doing with that half hour. It has a really strong lighting style that I tried to mimic a little bit here.

In conjunction with my art studies I would really like to focus on character design next, and so I am asking you to please think of video game characters with designs you love! If you're not the gaming type, any "strong design" is ok :)

Here's How it Works

  • Comment below with a video game character you'd like to see in my style!
  • Multiple requests are OK but please put one request per comment
  • "Heart" any requests you like! I will start with the most-faved comments.
  • I will sketch as many as I can this month! 
  • Over time I will go back and refine those sketches, referencing specific styles of other artists so I can try new variations :) I want to take my time with them so I know I can't get them all done within a month. But I'll post all the sketches!

Also since I want to consolidate a little bit, here is the next penciled page of the moat zine :) on Tuesdays we make rice. Thanks!!



Rasmus Kaj

Spyro the dragon!

Rasmus Kaj

... and your Mordecai is great! I used to read the Lackadaisy web comic way back, but still havn't seen this animated thingy ...


I'd love to see Lavenza (from Persona) in your style! (Easy reference: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/6/60/P5DSN_-_Lavenza.png )


Thank you! I had fun drawing it. ProZD does a good Mordecai voice 😳


I'm a big Zelda fan and have a soft spot for the... Rock-like Gorons (those big, lovable lugs!). I'd love to see you tackle Daruk, the Champion from Breath of the Wild! - - Neal


Oooooh, someone from Spiritfarer? Bruce and Mickey are imposing and delicate in style, necessary given their background and character. -Jess


Oh these guys are cool! I haven't heard of Spiritfarer before 🤔 https://spiritfarer.fandom.com/wiki/Bruce_%26_Mickey


Oh, Spiritfarer is a lovely game! Beautiful animation style graphics, gorgeous music, and a powerful storyline. It's a management style game like Animal Crossing, with some light platforming elements, but it's really about the story. You take over for Charon and help those who have died pass on, but... It's all tied in with sailing your ship around a sea, creating things for your passengers and to be able to explore the sea further as well. It has a big emotional punch (a game has never made me cry this much), but I've never seen a vídeo game tackle grief like this. It's not to be missed. - - Neal

Ali Grotkowski

Any of the dice from Dicey Dungeons! (alternatively some of the foes that the dice fight!).