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Because books have kept me busy, because this is the first postcard draw, because Christmas... I decided to draw all the dogs that were requested! All of them! :) I will be posting the drawings in 3 batches and mailing out the cards over the next couple of days. 

- If you have pledged $5+... I have your address on file. Make sure it's up to date!

- If you have pledged at the $1 or $2 level I will be sending a message (through Patreon) to ask for your address. Watch for it :D

Yayyy dogs. I love that they're all so different :)




How was your Christmas Jam? I hope that you're doing well. I love these drawings, so cute and awesome!


How do we update our address?


♥ these all, Jam. Merry Christmas to you and your family, and I hope 2017 is a wonderful year for you guys! ~Jessica


This is what I've found "If for whatever reason you need to change your shipping information, you can click "edit pledge" from your Your Pledges where you can edit your existing details. " but I have a different user menu so it's hard for me to replicate. Let me know if that doesn't work!


Good! Nice and quiet (except for the smashing of toy cars by my young nephew that is) which is how I prefer it :) Thank you!


Oh my gosh, I am SO excited to see fashionable sweater dog! She's going to make a great belated Christmas present for a friend. Thanks so much Jam, and have a great new year!