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Happy Holidays everyone, I'm running around like a maniac and using the word "excited" too much /:))))


Okay hello patrons it is Friday this time... Not Saturday. But it is Friday, 23rd of December and I thought it would be a little bit easier to take care of my weekly update now instead of when I'm travelling, trying to go to see family for Christmas, so this is what we're doing.

Been hectic... I feel kind of bad that I haven't been able update that much on Patreon but it's because I've been running around trying to finish holiday stuff. Just had the last holiday gathering socially last night with my coworkers and so it's like I've had the gathering with my friends, I've had three gatherings for work now... And it seems absurd... But you know they all serve different functions and they're all very fun. I got to play Santa --that was what was in last week's vlog-- that was a lot of fun. So I got to put together all the gifts for everyone this year and I also brought in cookies for the office and everyone seemed to really like that and enjoy that, so I'm glad I got the opportunity to do that this year. Otherwise I've been just head down trying to get the books finished which is not glamorous work. It's a lot of back-and-forth with my designer; basically she put together a new version for me, she sends it over and I review it and make edits and send it back. So it's not anything that I can easily share with you guys, but it is a lot of important work and it is progressing which is really exciting.

So today in my inbox I just got a updated revision of book 4 end-to-end it's really exciting to see that as a complete piece now because I've been examining independent sections back and forth. Like we've been going back and forth on the commentary and the tutorial and the other bonus content and stuff like that. So it's coming along and it's been really tough trying to juggle all of it but I'm really excited to see it starting to come together.

Yeah other than that I'm headed to the in-laws for the holidays. Just gonna be there a couple of days and I'm taking some art stuff with me so I can draw some dogs for y'all. (Excited to draw some dogs!) and then in the new year and hoping we can get some more stuff rolling and back into content I can share with Patreon. So I guess as we wrap up 2016...(Is there gonna be another update? Probably yes...there will be an update on the 30th so maybe I can spend a little bit more time doing reflection there) but I jsut wanted to share with you guys that think you for sticking with me, thank you for supporting this Patreon-- you know what forget it. I don't want talk about that today :p

I'm all over the place! The holidays just make me crazy-- I just I can't keep a handle on what's going on and I feel like I'm letting everyone down at the same time. So please go be with your families please go enjoy yourselves have a happy holiday and I will reconnect with you next week. Alright! Bye :D


vlog 2016 12 23 Holiday Madness

Uploaded by Angela Melick on 2016-12-23.


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