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Hey everyone, here's an update from your ol' pal jam :)

Shenzhen Fast is still updating on Mondays, and will wrap up by the end of this month! 😱🎉The Career Zine is now available for anyone to buy and download. My foster cats won an advent calendar from Catcouver and I'm showing their reactions over on Mastodon

Coming up...

Last month on Patreon I shared a preview of the cover for a new product I'll be announcing in a few weeks, and also geeked out a bit about Cyberdecks :)

I collaborated with my friend Phil again this year to create some cute corgi coasters, and I also shared the inks and a bit of the development process for those.

Patrons also got to see some pages from the next technical zine I'm working on... 👀 and I answered a ton of Patron questions about Solarpunk! (My vision of solarpunk at least). 

NEXT MONTH will feature some more WIP pages of my next comic, some colour study work, and also a bit about the ways I'm working to reduce waste in my own life. Over the holidays I'll also drop some comic versions of my Solarpunk AMA answers.

Thanks for reading <3



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