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Oh the weather outside is quite frightful... at least it is around these parts, we got a (relatively) early blast of winter over the last couple of days. 🥶 if you live in cold parts I hope you have your nice thick socks! Up top is a little holiday illustration I did featuring my 2022 rascals: Setsuna, Towa and Konan :)

The Socialz

Just a brief programming note on social media: I have been enjoying Mastodon lately. I am hanging out there and mostly sharing photos of cats and very cold takes about TNG. I haven't had time to invest anywhere else, but I am really eyeing up tumblr lately... 👀

AMA Comics!

This month for the all-Patron bonus I hosted an AMA about Solarpunk topics! Written answers to all of the questions are now in the post. Thank you so much for all the fantastic questions, I have soooooo much to say for each topic! 😩 So hard to narrow it down... this month was a bit hectic so I will be drawing the actual comics for the AMA during December, posting them during the holiday times I think :) 

$2 Quality Testers

This month I shared the finished drawing for the sport-corgis or Sporgis I made for my friend Phil! I also shared 3D printing page 2 - the second 2-page "spread" of an experimental zine. 

$7 Lab Techs

This month on the dark, strange side of the Lab I wrote an extremely geeky post all about cyberdecks! In another very geeky post in the complete opposite direction, I decided this year to try releasing the Patreon planner I've been using myself for a few years. It needed a nice cover, so I wrote a long process post for the design of the cover for that book. This will hopefully release this month :o

I also just finished updating the drobox archive, so the Q4 password is coming up next! (update: up now!)

$25 Collaborators

Q4 goods are due to arrive at my place on Monday and will go out shortly after, so this post was a preview of all those finished pieces :) I also wrote a lot of words about where I'm at, mentally, compared to the last few years, specifically in relation to grief.


Would you like to read a very long, very nuanced and gutting and powerful book about the toxic oil extraction industry that all of our lives (for the time being) seemingly cannot function without?? Well then, I highly recommend Ducks! Mind the content warnings... I was very lucky to be able to catch Kate Beaton's talk at VPL and it really added a lot of wonderful context to the tale. 

Hey, Neat

How about some wild previews of new tech this month? I stumbled across this video about a revolutionary new 3D scanning technique that could really transform film, and a really interesting high-detail colour 3D printing technique that could change product design. 


The two new rascals have really been keeping me on my toes, but they are extremely snuggly so I'm going to file that one in the "worth it" category. I drew the card above imagining how they might react to snow, but Towa ended up being even cuter IRL when the snow showed up 😩 I was sitting right across from her putting the finishing touches on the illustration and I was like "you couldn't have done this three days ago...?"

Stay (not too) frosty everyone, more comix coming soon!




You even got the mustache! ♥