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Do you stay or do you go? These are some of the big questions to ask yourself when you're considering a job change. Usually when friends and I leave jobs, it's for one of these top reasons (or a combination of them).




The timing of you posting this is incredible. An hour ago, I gave my supervisor (who I respect a lot) the heads up that I'm going to hand in my 2 weeks to the company president on Monday, so this is really hitting home today.


Previously I've always said that it's pay + boss + coworkers/clients but i like this a lot


I have a "Rule of No" that I have printed out as a reminder that (a) it's okay to say no and (b) there needs to be some benefit for me to keep saying yes to everything extra (professional development, etc.). For that one, I have that if you can't say "yes" to at least two of the three questions (three, just as here), then you're probably better off saying "no" to free up time for things that you will enjoy more. Is it something like that here? If you can't say a positive response to most of these, then it's time to look for the exit? -jess