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Here's the last "internal" Quarterly update for your reference:


Ok everyone, as stated in the last post, we're going to skip the survey, but we've been on this journey together for HALF A YEAR already! Incredible! This post is here for transparency's sake, and even though there's no survey I still (and ALWAYS) really value your feedback!

Thanks so much for everyone who has helped me steer this Patreon project into the most fun thing it can be ✨✨✨


Once again, I keep all the money from Patreon and Gumroad in a separate account. For more details on the how/what of that process and what I get out of it, check out the last quarter's update.  I finally sorted out the Payoneer weirdness that I was struggling with last quarter, yay. 

My independent account is currently sitting at $3,124.70CAD. ($466USD just got sent out, it isn't there.) I'm going deduct the next line items from that account now

This is how I've used those funds so far (May-Aug):

 $35.97 has gone to Dropbox Premium ($11.99/mo). Still handy. I use this for collaborating a LOT and I want to collaborate more.

I cancelled my remote admin, per feedback from Partrons and a cost-value analysis. ($36.61)

$565.50 has gone to cleaners. Less than I paid the admin last round (over $600), wow. This will probably go down, too, because the initial clean was about twice as much. So far this has made a good impact on my sanity. I have them coming every 3 weeks, which is juuuuust about the point where I start feeling like I'm losing control of my life for the dirtyness in the corners. They've been amazing! Instead of lying down and feeling like garbage I come home to a clean place and I can work on comics instead :0

$265 went to my new book designer, Mia! That's the deposit so she can start work, she's going to help me with all the designy/pre-press stuff for the new books! It's a lot of fiddly work and I'm really grateful to have help with it :D

Remaining in that account, then, is $2221.62

Going Forward...

Last time, people didn't seem to mind when I just "save up those funds", which I'm naturally inclined to do. I'm also thinking of proactively investing in a new SSD. Last month, one of my drives failed. I had the important stuff backed up on Carbonite, but it was still a big pain. The drive that my art lives on is the exact same type and age as the one that failed. It's ALSO backed up on Carbonite but man... if that went suddenly it would suck a LOT. So I'm probably going to purchase a few new drives instead of waiting for it to fail (and it will). That's about $500. 

My Thoughts

Overall I'm happy with how things are going! I hope you are too! I have tried very hard to step up the amount of bonus content and while I will NEVER feel like I'm producing enough, I'm glad that I am getting more consistent about posting something exclusive once or twice a week fairly consistently :) 

With regards to specific features:

- I am still fussing with Livestreams. It's one of those things that I WANT to work, but I think we both........... kind of hate them. I don't want to pull them yet, because it's a foundational reward, and I don't have a good replacement. I do want to do something that's a bit more schedule-friendly (for the viewers) though -_- Maybe something a bit more interactive? Like a sketch-card AMA? I don't know I'm literally thinking out loud here. IF YOU HAVE ANY FEEDBACK ON LIVESTREAMS, LET ME KNOW. 

- Vlogs are going okay! I'm still.... rambly. Haha. I'd love to hear if you guys enjoy them at all ^^ and what topics you like more vs. less, or... whatever. I have been doing the transcription myself with Dragon and it's a bit time consuming but not toooooooo bad. I think it's a good compromise for now. 

Ok that's probably enjoy blabbing. THANK YOU PATRONS, I LOVE YOU PATRONS!!!!!




I really appreciate that you keep us up to date about the state of things, especially financially. For me, though I honestly don't care what the people I support do with my money since to me they've earned it and it's theirs, it satisfies a curiosity. I like seeing how other people work and keep organized, and money isn't something we see often. Anyway, keep up the good work! Your accountability really sets you apart. =)


I'll pipe up about the vlogs, because I really do enjoy them. I like that they're shorter bits that I can watch when I have a few extra minutes to pull it up, and for some reason it's just fun to hear what you've been up to. It might be fun to hear more about your process in small chunks, like how your art evolved over time (or how you feel you're changing things today) or what you're doing with other artwork, book stuff, etc. I also enjoy the snippets about your job, mainly because your work as an engineer seems so intertwined with the comic itself that it's just fun to have more insight into what you're dealing with there. ~Jess


Regarding where you do your livestreams, could you use Twitch (see Twitch Creative)? Anecdotally, it feels like a more popular streaming place, which personally makes me feel more comfortable and less like I'm going out of my way to watch. During that one stream I watched, it felt kind of impersonal just simply because there was not much commentary. It was just drawing and music. I've been reading your comics for years because it provides kind of a bloggy insight into something I can relate to (engineering, school, professional work, cycling, city living, etc.). But the stream didn't have any of that, or not enough of it.


I'm not opposed to twitch, if that's what more people prefer. I just feel strange there because it's so gaming-centric and my work has nothing to do with gaming. With regards to the commentary... it's true, but it's difficult. Whenever I'm working on Wasted Talent, I'm very much "under the gun". It takes a lot of concentration - I only get a few hours a week to work on it and it HAS to get done. I only get one shot at the art (no undo/no correction) and it HAS to look good. That makes generating my own witty banter very difficult. It's ok if I have a friend to chat casually with, but scheduling that is exponentially more difficult. I don't have a lot of friends who can drop everything and just sit chatting with me for several continuous hours. But I understand what you're saying. I do talk about a lot of those topics in the vlog, incidentally.