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It's March now!! Spring is coming maybe?? It's threatening to come. I saw the sun today and that's pretty exciting. I've also been working on behind-the-scenes stuff (like... websites and accounts and what points where and blah blah blah). Not very exciting but setting the stage for exciting things! Also, I'm trying this new thing, I think it's pronounced "resting"? Not sure, never tried it before but apparently you just sleep as much as you need. After being in a "braced" position for many, many months getting ready for my move my body finally seems to feel safe enough to relax, and I'm trying to take advantage of it :)

Anyway what else happened in Febstruary

Welcome 🎉Lisa Rose 🎉Longwing 🎉Wireball MacCarter and thanks so much for boosting your pledge 🎉Jeffery!

The $5/mo tier is going to be retiring next month! For $7/mo you can access everything that was formerly in the LAB ($10) level tier. Process stuff + experiments, scripts, early previews of new projects. If you're pledged to the $5 tier right now, please switch to either the Quality Testers tier (finished comics, pencils, inks and practice works), or the newly-opened Lab Techs tier to make sure you keep getting access to that type of content. Thanks so much! This month "Lab Techs" content will be identical to $5/mo so you get one more month of preview :)

Fanart Request Day is happening! On my tumblr I posted a bunch of the stuff from last year, just for funsies. I probably am going to do better about closing the loop and posting this year's requests publicly sooner than a whole year later but no promises...

$2 - Quality Testers!

February 1st was Hourly Comics Day! I was able to participate again this year, which is always fun. I also posted the finished page 5 of the Career Zine and the final pages of inks for that same zine. Full steam ahead on colours, now!

$5 Behind the Scenes --> $7 Lab Techs [preview]

What's next after the career zine? How about a zine about 3D printing! Want to see the first two-page spread? Also I got to catch up a bit with Good Bones script/thumbnail work. In addition, I shared a bit of process stuff by showing off the custom planner I've been using to plan out Patreon posts, it's been super handy. 

$10 The LAB --> Collaborators [preview]

Shipment 1 is getting ready to go and I made a nice little vlog talking about how those were made and showing off what you can expect. Make sure your addresses are up to date!


This month my foster rascal was brave enough to venture out of her kennel! We've been hanging out and playing a lot while she's learning to navigate a space that also has a human moving around in it. She doesn't seem to have a lot of experience with how people move and gets startled easily, but she's curious enough to take some real risks and it's been fun!

Also this month I managed to set up a Pi Hole on a Pi Zero W and a Home Assistant on a Pi 3. It's been fun messing around with setting and exploring home automation stuff!



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