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Hey everyone, it's March and collectively this Patreon is over the $100/mo goal (woo!) so it's time for another fanart request day! This past year has been tough so this year I really want to hear about what is bringing you joy, and I'd love to draw it for you! :)


  • Post a comment with your request
  • Use "💜" to vote for the requests you'd like to see the most
  • You can post multiple requests, but please post them as separate comments
  • I will draw as many as I can this month, starting with the most up-voted comment, but also prioritizing so that as many different people as possible can see their requests drawn.
  • I will try to start drawing by the 15th, but let's say the request deadline is the 22nd.
  • I will post them at the end of the month! (Mar 29) Woo!

I just finished watching season 2 of Lower Decks and oh man, I gotta admit... it's a lot of fun. I love how... chaotic it is?? And it feels super at home with all of the Trek Lore despite it having a zanier vibe than most of the other series. My favourite pair right now are these two (T'Ana and Shaxs) for super mysterious reasons 🤔 I'm sure no one could explain why I like these two so much. Definitely surly cat-woman x Him Big w/ Grey Hair and Messed Up Eye wasn't made for me, personally. 

Anyway, I'm so excited to hear about what's making you happy right now! 😊




Tabletop RPGs. More than half the time they're full remote or hybrid, but I've had more time in fictional worlds this past year than at any other point in my life, and it's been great.


I have been rewatching the Pride and Prejudice miniseries (the one with Firth) like I'm a toddler. Okay, not that bad, but I am on my second watch-through in a row. It is the best de-stressor for me for some reason. I've never had a "comfort show" before, so I have learned something new about myself in the past week! 💙


We've been watching Dimension20, Critical Role (along with The Legend of Vox Machina on Prime), and others lately. When playing, I always found picking out dice sets to be a very personal thing: material aesthetics, color(s), fonts, embellishments, etc. Do you have a favorite set, or, if you could design your own set, how would they look?


When I've been feeling down I imagine Star Wars characters as cats and it makes me laugh. The mental image of Luke SkyKitty or Meow Solo always makes me smile.

Ali Grotkowski

I've been a big fan of doing the adult Lego sets lately... I'm really looking forward to putting together my globe and was really happy putting together my Lego Mario 64 set too! :)

Ali Grotkowski

The other thing that's been bringing me joy is reading books. Particularly series I'm really familiar with like Mercedes Lackey's Heralds of Valdemar books. Life is just SO MUCH right now that escaping into a book feels so great!


During the pandemic I started to Make things, mostly 3D printing and miniature painting. Look for @ricbitbr on Instagram to check out some of the things I have finished.

Blake Rothwell

I would be interest in seeing characters from red dwarf.


I'm a huge fan of watching things over and over...

Faith Nelson

It's been a REALLY rough year, and I'm not sure I'm at the "finding joy" point yet... my daughters are pretty much my high points right now, even from half the country away. I love watching my youngest stream her dramatic makeup looks, or talking to my daughter while she's sorting through family photos. Realizing that I AM the generation holding the family stories is hard, so we're starting to record some of them so they don't get lost. Hmm. Honestly, I'd love to see your take on a cat with pink hair doing her makeup. *g*


Tabletop RPGs are definitely my happy place right now too. I've been playing and running on Roll20 for a couple of years now (Hmm, what odd timing...) and it's wonderful. Just this week we started a new campaign with a really odd trio of PCs: a Kenku monk who dresses all in black, a Silver Dragonborn sorcerer and a Fairy druid who's trying to disguise herself as a Halfling so she doesn't get kidnapped and sold on the black market. I think they'd make a pretty cool picture. Makes me wish I could draw.


Riding my electric unicycle around the city is very calming 😌


at the start of our most recent lockdown last year i decided to check out genshin impact, and i've become fairly obsessed with it lol. in case you're unfamiliar, it's a f2p gacha rpg, so designing distinctive and appealing characters that people will want to spend money pursuing through the gacha system is obviously a big part of how the game is monetised. but a (perhaps unintentional?) side-effect of this focus on character design is that as the story plays out, it feels like you are constantly running into other main characters, as opposed to side characters or npcs. the quality of the writing is quite high as well (especially by videogame standards), which makes this subversion of the usual unconscious character hierarchies all the more interesting. anyway i'll be at risk of leaving an essay here if i keep going (did i mention i was obsessed lmao) so i'll just say that some fanart of a character named Xiao would be rad :D


These look SUPER fun (but kind of intimidating!!)


It definitely takes a few hours for you to learn to do your part in balancing the whole thing and for your body to believe in one wheel being able to keep you upright, but it's super fun and super handy. If you're interested in riding with folks, the Vancouver Esk8 group on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/369422603667237) looks like they're good folks to ride with, though I have't gotten to ride with them yet.