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Hey everyone, I'm doing some archive work right now (digging through and reorganizing old stuff) and I just wanted to take a moment to pause and reflect because it *happens* to be the five year anniversary of this post (when I announced I was ending Wasted Talent!):

What's Next for Jam | Jam on Patreon

Nov 18, 2016 (5 years ago today, yikes!!!!!!!!!)

It's kind of wild to read that post now, and it made me realize a few things:

First: All of you reading this today -- you're the ride-or die patrons! I jumped off a metaphorical cliff by ending my webcomic and said "idk what's gonna happen!?" And y'all said "aiight cool, giv'r". That's METAL AS HELL??? I can't express enough how cool it is that you were along for this whole ride so far :))

I’m super duper grateful for this space and everything it has enabled me to achieve. Your steadfast support, patience, and understanding as I grappled with some really difficult times has made more of a difference than I can really properly express. Thank you.

Second, hey, I'm really proud of what I managed to do! I more or less stuck to the plan I set out of what I wanted to explore.

  • Cute things:
    • Cattes, The "catsona" concept, Corgis, Moss is Boss, general cuteness of zines and stickers
  • Engineering:
    • Shenzhen Fast, Career Zine, 3D Printing (WIP), some good ask-comics
  • More zines and short works
    • Good Bones, Prose short stories, Self Care SOS, Moss is Boss, Food Zine, Ok to Sploot
  • Non-comedy autobio
    • Some interesting pieces in 2018 and throughout 2020
  • Collaborative works
    • Wander and Beyond with Sfé, Swan Song with JD, Tradewaiters, Corgi coasters with Phil

The biggest nut I haven't fully cracked yet is "comedy", but wow those were five profoundly un-funny years!! All I can say is stay tuned, I feel like I'm getting closer 👀

Recently I've started to feel  some ideas coalesce about the direction I want to take my work in. To enable this, I want to make some tweaks and changes to the structure of Patreon here. As you can see I've done a TON of wildly different stuff here over the last few years, so I need your feedback to make sure that I'm only making the kind of changes that will result in more of what you love the most 😊. (that is assuming that Patreon doesn't go the way of NFTs and I have to torch the place and start over alskdjfalkecjiowe)

The next post will be a short survey/discussion on what you love! Don't worry, I am pretty sure it's gonna be "tweaks"/refinement rather than a major overhaul. 

For now, let's celebrate still being alive! 🥳



Faith Nelson

Umm... What I want to see is you exploring and doing what you want to do? I'd have never thought of any of those things that you created, but each was fantastic in its own way and I'm looking forward to seeing what else your brain grabs onto and spins around, folds a bit, and turns into something new. I guess I'm here as much for the process as the product - the behind the scenes fascinates me, including all the experimental stuff that would otherwise not see the light of day.


As someone who's been following you all this time, it's been amazing to see what you produced over the years. Keep up the amazing work!


We're kind of just here for the ride! I love that part of supporting artists on these types of venues is seeing the growth and changes of their art, so I'm happy to see whatever you want to show us. I agree 100% with everything that Faith said above, and I'm excited to see where you go in the next five years. (I cannot believe it's been five years already!!) -jess