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I monkeyed with this page a bit between the pencils and the inks. Originally I was also trying to make the point that you can look at reducing your need (reducing your lifestyle cost by being more frugal or cutting expenses) but I ended up taking it out. I think it's not a very kind thing to bring up right now during rapid inflation when most of us are cutting out of necessity rather than choice

Also because the text was right next to that "family" and it kinda looked like I was implying you jettison one of your dependents ;)

But! I do note it here because I think it's an important axis for evaluating the problem. 




Thanks for your thoughts on that piece of the equation(reducing need). I am in a place where I can reduce wants vs. needs, but when I was living paycheck to paycheck, sometimes that advice just served to push me into a further funk of "I'll never get out of this place."