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Ah, well we had a good solid month where things were lookin' ok but now we're back to "geez that was a tough month!!" 🤣 I gotta level with you all! I'm *exhausted*!!! The heatwave really knocked me on my butt. I spent the last couple of days trying desperately to get caught up on everything that being immobilized due to heat set me back on but I finally ran out of reserves and I'm tapped out now. 

On the plus side I'm finally 90% of the way through my sudden!move-out, so I'm confident I'll have more breathing room soon. 

Let's get caught up on Patreon!

Welcome to new Patrons! 🎉Michael, 🎉Nimaï, 🎉Escher, and 🎉William!

Last month there was a sale on complete editions, this month (?🤞) there will be another short-sale on books 2 and 3+prints and stuff. It'll be a quick one, but I'll announce it here so make sure to stay tuned for that :)

Also I did a mini-AMA! Expect a larger, more formal one later this year :)

$1 - Early Access

Continuing with Shenzhen Fast, we learned about Injection Moulding and Labelling! 

$2 - Sneaky Peaks

A new inked page of the upcoming Career Zine talks about identifying your career goals! I also posed a seeeecret present for a friend :) It should deliver this week, I'm so excited!

$5 - Behind the Scenes

Some concept work on the zine that I want to dig into next - it's about 3D Printing! I also did a roundup of all the wacky things I used to keep my hands busy during quarantine (primarily rebinding all my old sketchbooks.)

$10 - The LAB

I'm working on a short science-fiction comic called "Good Bones", and I posted some character designs for that


A new podcast episode - the Tradewaiters review Meal by Blue Delliquanti and Soleil Ho ! I strongly recommend this book. Our next one is going to be... I think Through the Woods by Emily Carroll is next?

Oh, also!? My friend Derek started a new podcast that's very tightly related to the Career Zine... it's called "solve for luck" and he speaks with people who have interesting careers (it's tech focused for now, but I'm not sure if it will stay that way) and discusses the lucky twists and turns that got them there. It's really good! Episode 1 is out now 


Both of my current foster cattes were very cross that I wouldn't let them run around to exhaustion during the heat wave so they are making up for it by begging me to play constantly. Here's Obito's current favourite game "cover-me-with-a-blanket"

jam (@angelamelick) / Twitter

Ok, whew! We made it! Thanks for sticking with me through a kind-of wonky month. I can't promise next month won't be as wonky, but I think I should still be able to keep up :) Stay hydrated everyone!



Faith Nelson

Man, that heat wave knocked everyone on their butt! I used to live in the Pacific Northwest, and am now on the edge of the Midwest and the South, and for you to have our heat, with no air conditioning? MADNESS! Utter madness! Stay hydrated, make sure you're aware of any medications you may be taking and their effects on hydration and sun sensitivity, and watch out for each other. It's nuts out there.